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Jonathan Glauser

Jonathan Glauser » PWC 4

Jonathan Glauser was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is one of four children, two whom still live in greater Philly. Jonathan and his wife have lived in Shaker Heights since 1985, and have raised four children, all of whom attended the public schools, graduated college, and are gainfully employed in medicine and the tech industry. Jonathan learned how to play chess at the age of 6 from his father. Soon after around 2 years, he was able to beat his father! Jonathan played chess for his high school chess team in his senior year. His high school chess team went undefeated, but unfortunately they did not compete at a state level. Jonathan majored in mathematics at the University of Michigan, where he received high honors. In addition, he also obtained an Executive MBA from Case Western Reserve in 1991. Besides doing chess, he played classical piano, in which he did for all of his life and never made a dime doing so!

Fun Fact: Jonathan played Victor Korchnoi (Famous Soviet/Swiss Chess Grandmaster) in a simultaneous exhibition in 1978! Unfortunately, as the strong player Victor Korchnoi is, Jonathan did not win that game.