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Cardinal 24 Header-3

— Full Details —

— Featuring GM Jianchao Zhou and IM Calvin Blocker! —
Hotel Rate: $139; if reserved by 1/17, 330-867-5000.  Ask for the Chess Rate; code 90K
Restaurants within walking distance, indoor & outdoor pool, restaurant and bar on site.


5 Sections: 

Elite Section: $2000-1000-500 (***Elite prizes guaranteed)

Under 2200:  $800-400-250

Under 1900:  $800-400-250

Under 1600:  $700-400-250

Under 1300:  $700-400-200

Under 1000:  $500-300, Top U800: $150

Entry Fee for all sections: $120 by 1/23, $130 at site or online until two hours before round one. 

GM, IM, WGM, WIM free; registration at$100 will be deducted from prize winnings.

Elite and Under 2200 Sections FIDE Rated (if Elite/U2200 player selects 2-Day Schedule only last 3 rounds FIDE Rated).

Elite players must have USCF or FIDE rating 1900 or above above.

5 Round Swiss – 2 or 3 Day Options:

3-Day Schedule: Registration ends 6:30 PM Friday January 24th. 

Time Control for All Rounds: G90+30.

Round Times: Friday: 7 PM

Saturday: 11 AM, 5 PM

Sunday: 10 AM, 3:30 PM.

2-Day Schedule: Registration ends 10:00 AM Saturday, January 25th.

Time Control Rounds 1-2: G60+10; Rounds 3-5: G90+30. Round Times:

Saturday: 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM

Sunday: 10 AM, 3:30 PM.

January official USCF ratings used. Unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated. Players must reveal foreign, FIDE and other over the board ratings, and these ratings, adjusted, if necessary, may be used, if higher than USCF. Notation required in all sections. Only US Chess approved electronic score sheets allowed.  

Unrated Players: Unrated players may win no more than 50% of any prize except in the Elite Section.

The remaining amount of the unrated players’ prize will go to the players in the next score group.

Reentry: 3-Day Schedule Only $50, not available for players in the Elite or Under 2200 Sections. 

Byes: Half point byes okay, limit 2, not round 5, must be requested before Round 2 pairings are posted.

Doubles Bonus Prize: $200-100. Best male/female or female/female 2-player “team” combined score among all sections. Must average under 2200; may play in different sections. Register by 5 PM Saturday, January 25th. Prize limits do not apply to Doubles Bonus Prize. No additional fee to register.

Blitz Tournament: Saturday, January 25th at 9:00 PM, register by 8:45 PM – More details on-site.

Progress With Chess runs adult and scholastic tournaments monthly.  


Check out our tournaments page for a full list of events.