Damon Rucker, is a talented and lively chess player turned instructor. Having played professionally since the age of 15, Damon has accomplished much over the years. Among many personal triumphs, such as top High School player, and Cleveland Scholastic City Champ 2001-2003, Rucker has recently earned the title of Candidate Chess Master with the United States Chess Federation and is recognized in the top 95 percentile of pro-chess players in the nation. Perhaps more impressive than his extensive knowledge of the game, is his uncanny and spirited ability to appeal to students of all ages, making learning fun and enjoyable. Since becoming an instructor, Damon has fostered numerous award winning chess scholars. When not competing professionally, Damon continues to offer exciting lessons, teaching both enthused and skeptical learners alike, how to think, excel, and truly enjoy the game of chess in ways they never imagined possible! To contact Damon, please email thefun.chessinstructor@gmail.com.