Dave Phelps is a 67 years old retired firefighter. Phelps grew up in and around Cleveland, Ohio. He also lived in Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, and is currently residing in the City of Beachwood. Dave attended The Cleveland State University and majored in Music. In addition, Dave attended the U.S. Naval Academy school of music, spending 4 1/2 years in the Navy Band & 6 years in the Army National Guard as a vehicle repair mechanic. He currently hold a degree in business administration from Cuyahoga Community College. Phelps is a very late starter in chess, not learning to play until his early 30s. He wishes to have been introduced to the game much sooner in life, as he finds chess is very intriguing and teaches valuable life skills. He believes that it would’ve kept him on a more focused life path as a youth. Phelps is self-taught and considers himself as a chess enthusiast. Besides chess, Dave enjoys reading non-fiction, historical, and social issues books. Family & Home take up most of Phelps’ time. Dave has been with Progress with Chess for 2 years.