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GCSCL #4 Tournament Results

Event Summary
Event   GCSCL #4  (202303042412)
Location CLEVELAND, OH  44120  
Event Date(s) 2023-03-04
Sponsoring Affiliate PROGRESS WITH CHESS  (A6008140)
Chief  TD ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Chief Assist. TD DAVID BILLS  (13524338)
Processed Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05
Stats 8 Section(s),  282 Players
The ratings shown on this page are not official published ratings and may change from time to time. Using them for pairing purposes in tournaments should only be done if this has been advertised in all advance publicity and is announced to all players at the tournament.
HINT:     * Click on a Section Name to see the cross table for that Section,  or
  * Click on “Show All Sections” to see the cross tables for all sections at once.
Section 2   U1500
Section 3   HS PREMIER U1000
Section 4   MS PREMIER U1000
Section 5   ELEM PREMIER K-5 U1000
Section 6   MS RESERVE U500
Section 7   ELEM RESERVE 3-5 U500
Section 8   PRIMARY RESERVE K-2 U500


Chief TD   TREY MODLIN  (12803731)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  13 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | SHARATH RADHAKRISHNAN |3.5 |X |W 9|W 4|D 2| OH | 16837380 / R: 2012 ->2028 | | |B |W |B | | Q: 1957 ->1973 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | AMOGH TRIPATHI |3.0 |W 6|D 3|W 11|D 1| OH | 16700200 / R: 2262 ->2254 |N:1 |B |W |B |W | | Q: 2169 ->2160 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MINGHAO GU |3.0 |W 12|D 2|D 5|W 6| OH | 16148233 / R: 2006 ->2017 |N:2 |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1934 ->1945 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | IAN BROIHIER |3.0 |W 8|W 7|L 1|W 10| OH | 30272851 / R: 1859 ->1862 |N:3 |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1770 ->1777 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | MICHAEL LIN |2.5 |L 7|W 10|D 3|W 8| OH | 15420090 / R: 2002 ->1983 |N:3 |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1919 ->1900 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | NEELANSH SAMANTA |2.0 |L 2|X |W 7|L 3| PA | 16643387 / R: 1680 ->1689 | |W | |B |W | | Q: 1514 ->1534 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | SCOTT ROBINSON |2.0 |W 5|L 4|L 6|W 11| OH | 16817297 / R: 1552 ->1615 |N:2 |W |B |W |W | | Q: 1524 ->1571 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | LOUIS ZHANG |2.0 |L 4|B |W 9|L 5| OH | 16785655 / R: 1552 ->1563 | |W | |B |B | | Q: 1496 ->1506 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MATTHEW BANDOS |2.0 |W 11|L 1|L 8|W 12| PA | 15341605 / R: 1519 ->1548 |N:3 |B |W |W |B | | Q: 1455 ->1496 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | XYAIRE HILL |2.0 |W 13|L 5|W 12|L 4| OH | 30354584 / R: 1253 ->1296 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1235 ->1278 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | AKSHAR PATEL |1.0 |L 9|W 12|L 2|L 7| OH | 16205894 / R: 1799 ->1754 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1779 ->1730 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | HARINANDHAN VASANTHAKUMAR |0.0 |L 3|L 11|L 10|L 9| | 17175757 / R: 1536 ->1477 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1526 ->1463 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ALFONSO DIGREGORIO III |0.0 |L 10|F |U |U | OH | 31091275 / R: Unrated-> 719P1 | |B | | | | | Q: Unrated-> 719P1 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 2 – U1500
Chief TD   TREY MODLIN  (12803731)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  32 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | WESLEY Y LAI |3.5 |W 13|D 6|W 22|W 10| OH | 15117155 / R: 1352 ->1370 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1316 ->1335 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | GRACE ZHAO |3.5 |W 21|W 12|W 4|D 3| | 15876836 / R: 1215 ->1307 |N:4 |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1188 ->1278 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | RAMESH CHHETRI |3.0 |W 28|W 18|D 10|D 2| | 16922520 / R: 1221 ->1251 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1182 ->1219 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | SHAKNIL GURUNG |3.0 |W 24|W 20|L 2|W 16| | 16922562 / R: 1209 ->1244 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 1166 ->1204 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | WRIDDHI NANDAN |3.0 |W 16|W 8|D 9|D 6| OH | 17068637 / R: 1068P25->1224 |N:4 |W |B |B |W | | Q: 1042P25->1196 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | SEAN HAOQIU HUA |3.0 |W 32|D 1|X |D 5| OH | 30393623 / R: 1160 ->1180 | |B |W | |B | | Q: 1135 ->1155 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | AAYANSH SAMANTA |2.5 |D 14|L 23|W 25|W 18| PA | 30232400 / R: 1336 ->1298 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1242 ->1214 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | JOSEPH DANG |2.5 |W 19|L 5|W 20|D 12| OH | 15547307 / R: 1263 ->1254 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1228 ->1220 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | ZIAR KAMAL NAJEEB |2.5 |D 23|X |D 5|D 13| OH | 30269704 / R: 1249 ->1227 | |B | |W |B | | Q: 1232 ->1208 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | DANIEL BANDOS |2.5 |W 31|W 29|D 3|L 1| PA | 16003494 / R: 1199 ->1202 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 1168 ->1171 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | TYMOFIY LOGOSH |2.5 |L 12|W 17|D 14|W 22| | 31088066 / R: Unrated->1200P4 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated->1167P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | MOHRIZ HUSSAIN |2.5 |W 11|L 2|W 28|D 8| OH | 17172481 / R: 1101 ->1166 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 1085 ->1145 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ETHAN HU |2.5 |L 1|W 32|W 29|D 9| PA | 30094787 / R: 1067 ->1085 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1025 ->1046 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | AYAN SHARMA |2.5 |D 7|D 30|D 11|W 24| OH | 17060563 / R: 1040 ->1081 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1033 ->1060 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | ISHITA MANNAR |2.0 |L 18|D 21|D 24|W 28| OH | 16006666 / R: 1308 ->1300 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1253 ->1200 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | ANDREW HU |2.0 |L 5|W 25|W 19|L 4| PA | 30094774 / R: 1341 ->1295 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1263 ->1224 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | MIRABELLA RONG |2.0 |L 29|L 11|W 32|W 21| OH | 30475163 / R: 1150 ->1112 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1068 ->1038 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | ISABEL ULIS |2.0 |W 15|L 3|W 30|L 7| PA | 16067586 / R: 1077 ->1101 | |B |B |W |B | | Q: 1047 ->1067 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | JAMES YANG |2.0 |L 8|W 31|L 16|W 30| | 15876821 / R: 1104 ->1096 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 1085 ->1072 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | HET PATEL |2.0 |W 27|L 4|L 8|W 29| OH | 17107721 / R: 979 ->1027 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: 937 -> 991 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | ARCHISHMAN DEY |1.5 |L 2|D 15|W 26|L 17| OH | 16838540 / R: 1108 ->1087 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1070 ->1047 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | PHAT NGO |1.5 |D 30|W 26|L 1|L 11| | 16922494 / R: 1123 ->1086 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 1098 ->1061 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | SAADHIKA LAKSHMI BAGLEY |1.5 |D 9|W 7|F |U | OH | 15827114 / R: 1011 ->1075 | |W |B | | | | Q: 1010 ->1069 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | BRAXTON FIORELLI |1.5 |L 4|B |D 15|L 14| | 30473554 / R: 948 -> 940 | |W | |B |W | | Q: 928 -> 918 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | SABIN DHUNGANA |1.5 |D 26|L 16|L 7|W 31| OH | 17175778 / R: 767 -> 802 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 760 -> 787 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | JAYDEN VINSON |1.5 |D 25|L 22|L 21|W 32| OH | 31090125 / R: Unrated-> 751P4 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 727P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | ELIJAH HARBESON |1.0 |L 20|L 28|L 31|B | OH | 16539231 / R: 1243 ->1123 | |W |B |W | | | Q: 1214 ->1093 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | JACOB WANG |1.0 |L 3|W 27|L 12|L 15| PA | 30023248 / R: 990 -> 991 | |W |W |B |W | | Q: 978 -> 974 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | WESLEY HARRIS |1.0 |W 17|L 10|L 13|L 20| OH | 30871174 / R: 918P22-> 917 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 902P22-> 894 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | CLIVE HORN |1.0 |D 22|D 14|L 18|L 19| OH | 31041891 / R: Unrated-> 888P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 863P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | MILA WANG |1.0 |L 10|L 19|W 27|L 25| PA | 30215770 / R: 852 -> 849 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 825 -> 823 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | SOLOMON HORN |0.0 |L 6|L 13|L 17|L 26| OH | 31041814 / R: Unrated-> 390P4 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 373P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 3 – HS PREMIER U1000
Chief TD   DAVID BILLS  (13524338)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  35 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | YASHARTH PANDEY |4.0 |W 12|W 20|W 21|W 7| OH | 30871250 / R: 827P8 -> 901P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 822P8 -> 897P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | THOMAS DEMUTH |3.5 |W 29|D 3|W 13|W 14| OH | 30321836 / R: 753 -> 874 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 751 -> 869 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | DEREK TRAN |3.5 |W 27|D 2|W 15|W 9| OH | 30358617 / R: 538 -> 776 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 525 -> 768 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | JACOB KYER |3.0 |W 10|W 11|L 7|W 21| | 31095837 / R: Unrated-> 880P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 875P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | OMA DAHAL |3.0 |W 32|W 28|W 16|U | OH | 16845724 / R: 767 -> 816 | |W |B |W | | | Q: 743 -> 799 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | RYAN HOGAN |3.0 |W 22|L 15|W 23|W 20| OH | 31089730 / R: Unrated-> 811P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 806P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | ARYA DESHPANDE |3.0 |W 15|W 29|W 4|L 1| | 16324295 / R: 645 -> 774 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 647 -> 771 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | TYLER BRIAN HINES |3.0 |L 21|W 33|W 26|W 17| OH | 30579916 / R: 751P18-> 745P22 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 743P18-> 738P22 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | TYLER STEVENS |3.0 |W 30|W 13|W 14|L 3| | 17068622 / R: 544P13-> 718P17 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 539P13-> 712P17 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | BHARAT KARTHIKEYA PAGADALA |3.0 |L 4|W 30|W 27|W 16| | 30221126 / R: 561 -> 649 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 546 -> 639 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | CADEN GILBERT |3.0 |W 31|L 4|W 28|W 34| OH | 17177843 / R: 616 -> 636 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 603 -> 626 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | FREDERICK LI |3.0 |L 1|W 35|W 18|W 25| | 16291905 / R: 483P4 -> 624P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 482P4 -> 621P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | SUJITH ARING |2.0 |W 26|L 9|L 2|W 28| | 16639746 / R: 954 -> 885 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 930 -> 864 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | BINITA BISWA |2.0 |W 34|W 17|L 9|L 2| OH | 16872525 / R: 816 -> 778 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 816 -> 777 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | UMIDJON SHOPULATOV |2.0 |L 7|W 6|L 3|W 31| | 16127634 / R: 805 -> 776 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 796 -> 769 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | NOAH BERKEL |2.0 |W 19|W 18|L 5|L 10| OH | 31022028 / R: 792P4 -> 745P8 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 791P4 -> 740P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | ELI MCCONOUGHEY |2.0 |W 23|L 14|W 19|L 8| OH | 31081330 / R: Unrated-> 665P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 660P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | LAKSHANYAA RAMJEE |2.0 |W 24|L 16|L 12|W 32| OH | 30315846 / R: 710 -> 656 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 705 -> 651 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | ABHISHEK GHOSH |2.0 |L 16|W 34|L 17|W 27| OH | 30327533 / R: 639P16-> 613P20 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 632P16-> 607P20 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JAMES TANGEN |2.0 |W 35|L 1|W 32|L 6| OH | 15716342 / R: 609 -> 595 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 601 -> 587 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | SEAN MCNAUGHTON |2.0 |W 8|W 25|L 1|L 4| OH | 30048853 / R: 437P10-> 570P14 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 432P10-> 564P14 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | ADAM NOGA |2.0 |L 6|L 27|W 33|W 26| | 15542741 / R: 573 -> 546 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 577 -> 548 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | TIMOTHY OLMSTEAD |2.0 |L 17|W 24|L 6|W 30| | 30481987 / R: 521P8 -> 520P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 517P8 -> 516P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | JOSHUA PETERSON |2.0 |L 18|L 23|B |W 33| OH | 30880456 / R: 197P8 -> 229P11 | |W |B | |W | | Q: 192P8 -> 225P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | ZAMAURION ATKINS |1.5 |D 33|L 21|W 34|L 12| OH | 30951563 / R: 605P9 -> 533P13 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 594P9 -> 524P13 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | CRICHTON SORRELLE |1.0 |L 13|W 31|L 8|L 22| | 17325723 / R: 510P8 -> 481P12 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 507P8 -> 477P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | CONSTANTINE PEARSON |1.0 |L 3|W 22|L 10|L 19| OH | 31043371 / R: Unrated-> 457P4 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 452P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | NOLAN THOMAS |1.0 |X |L 5|L 11|L 13| OH | 15943897 / R: 475P16-> 445P19 | | |W |B |B | | Q: 478P16-> 445P19 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | BRENNAN WINSKI |1.0 |L 2|L 7|L 30|W 35| OH | 30871117 / R: 465P8 -> 411P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 457P8 -> 405P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | GAVIN NINTCHEFF |1.0 |L 9|L 10|W 29|L 23| OH | 31043347 / R: Unrated-> 382P4 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 376P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | JASON VOYTOVYCH |1.0 |L 11|L 26|W 35|L 15| OH | 31091656 / R: Unrated-> 293P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 290P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | ELIAS BAEZ SANCHEZ |1.0 |L 5|B |L 20|L 18| OH | 30880446 / R: 269P7 -> 259P10 | |B | |W |B | | Q: 265P7 -> 255P10 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | VINCENT NI |0.5 |D 25|L 8|L 22|L 24| OH | 31091333 / R: Unrated-> 174P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 170P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | DALISA CHANTHAPHA |0.0 |L 14|L 19|L 25|L 11| OH | 30793150 / R: 466P7 -> 386P11 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 469P7 -> 386P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | MATTHEW ELLIOTT |0.0 |L 20|L 12|L 31|L 29| OH | 31091138 / R: Unrated-> 101P4 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 101P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 4 – MS PREMIER U1000
Chief TD   ROMAN KOWALYSKO  (12805631)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  25 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | JEREMY HAMMEL |4.0 |W 19|W 14|W 17|W 3| OH | 31027171 / R: 873P10->1001P14 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 829P10-> 964P14 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | JASON RATHINAM |3.5 |W 22|D 4|W 11|W 10| OH | 16632660 / R: 783 -> 899 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 795 -> 900 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | ANISH RAO |3.0 |W 13|W 8|W 7|L 1| OH | 17302082 / R: 715 -> 894 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 714 -> 887 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | KEVIN FU |3.0 |W 21|D 2|W 16|D 7| OH | 17173380 / R: 829 -> 891 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 822 -> 885 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | BENJAMIN CHAN YUSUFF |3.0 |L 7|W 23|W 18|W 17| OH | 16728958 / R: 714 -> 790 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 710 -> 765 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | ELI RUTHERFORD |2.5 |W 23|L 7|W 13|D 8| OH | 16195682 / R: 1034 -> 999 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 1017 -> 984 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | ALICE ZHAO |2.5 |W 5|W 6|L 3|D 4| OH | 16357707 / R: 975 -> 975 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 967 -> 966 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | NATHEN MATHEW |2.5 |W 15|L 3|W 21|D 6| OH | 16127058 / R: 815 -> 839 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 812 -> 834 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | KYRON GILMER |2.5 |D 11|L 16|W 24|W 14| OH | 30797415 / R: 633P14-> 672P18 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 630P14-> 664P18 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | AYUSHMAN DEY |2.0 |L 14|W 22|W 15|L 2| OH | 30060925 / R: 814 -> 787 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: 806 -> 779 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | GREGORY ZHU |2.0 |D 9|W 18|L 2|D 16| OH | 16632791 / R: 790 -> 769 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 781 -> 761 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | WILLIAM DAVIS |2.0 |L 18|L 21|W 23|X | OH | 15898328 / R: 786 -> 712 | |B |W |B | | | Q: 780 -> 705 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | SAMHITHA REDDI |2.0 |L 3|W 19|L 6|W 22| OH | 17243000 / R: 661 -> 712 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 655 -> 705 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | MEENAKSHI SRIPADA |2.0 |W 10|L 1|W 25|L 9| OH | 30409740 / R: 699P18-> 705P22 | |W |W |B |W | | Q: 690P18-> 694P22 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | SUSHANTH BHARADWAJ ADIGA |2.0 |L 8|W 20|L 10|W 19| OH | 30512932 / R: 595 -> 678 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 593 -> 672 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | KARAN BAHL |2.0 |H |W 9|L 4|D 11| OH | 16632586 / R: 633 -> 673 | | |W |B |B | | Q: 623 -> 665 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | DECLAN WALSH |2.0 |W 25|W 24|L 1|L 5| OH | 30793758 / R: 667P13-> 666P17 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 458P9 -> 515P13 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | BLAKE SCHWECKE |2.0 |W 12|L 11|L 5|W 21| OH | 30789557 / R: 521P12-> 618P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 518P12-> 611P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | MARCUS BEMAK |1.0 |L 1|L 13|B |L 15| OH | 16897285 / R: 906 -> 798 | |B |W | |B | | Q: 899 -> 788 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | SANJAY SUBHASH |1.0 |U |L 15|L 22|W 24| OH | 30791864 / R: 788P12-> 711P15 | | |B |W |B | | Q: 773P12-> 696P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | HAASHIM SHEIK |1.0 |L 4|W 12|L 8|L 18| | 30381803 / R: 657 -> 630 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 655 -> 627 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | BENJAMIN SMITH |1.0 |L 2|L 10|W 20|L 13| OH | 31081495 / R: Unrated-> 573P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 567P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | CHRIS BANTO |1.0 |L 6|L 5|L 12|B | OH | 31040113 / R: 663P4 -> 560P7 | |W |B |W | | | Q: 621P4 -> 524P7 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | ANTHONY CUCUZZA |1.0 |B |L 17|L 9|L 20| | 30102513 / R: 503 -> 449 | | |W |B |W | | Q: 502 -> 436 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | MIKAEL STEPANYAN |1.0 |L 17|B |L 14|F | OH | 30941509 / R: 506P4 -> 431P6 | |B | |W | | | Q: 509P4 -> 410P6 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 5 – ELEM PREMIER K-5 U1000
Chief TD   ROMAN KOWALYSKO  (12805631)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  30 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MR. ANBU ALAGAPPAN ADAIKAPPAN |4.0 |W 3|W 12|W 7|W 6| OH | 30069264 / R: 915 ->1048 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 884 ->1032 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | JAC CURRID |4.0 |W 15|W 23|W 13|W 10| OH | 30384553 / R: 566P15-> 873P19 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 566P15-> 870P19 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | ENOCH ZHANG |3.0 |L 1|W 20|W 25|W 11| OH | 30127873 / R: 935 -> 943 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 927 -> 935 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | MR. AADHI VEERAPANDIAN ADAIKAPPAN |3.0 |L 11|W 24|W 27|W 17| OH | 30318082 / R: 956 -> 943 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 938 -> 926 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | ALLEN LIAO |3.0 |W 17|L 7|W 16|W 18| | 17005245 / R: 829 -> 845 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 826 -> 842 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | PRISHA ANAND |3.0 |W 24|W 27|W 11|L 1| OH | 17158493 / R: 745 -> 843 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 737 -> 834 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | RIYA ANAND |3.0 |W 30|W 5|L 1|W 13| OH | 17158487 / R: 615 -> 768 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 616 -> 766 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | AKASHH RAVI SHANKAR |3.0 |L 27|W 29|W 20|W 19| OH | 30202860 / R: 685 -> 704 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 643 -> 677 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | BOHDAN DUPLIAK |2.5 |W 25|L 11|D 10|W 23| OH | 30791016 / R: 900P16-> 875P20 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 889P16-> 865P20 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | LEO EICHHORN |2.5 |W 21|W 14|D 9|L 2| OH | 30031312 / R: 685P24-> 770 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 684P24-> 766 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | MAX STEINBERG |2.0 |W 4|W 9|L 6|L 3| OH | 30787227 / R: 672 -> 775 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 665 -> 766 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | YASHWITHA BODEPUDI |2.0 |L 18|L 1|W 21|W 24| | 30381641 / R: 754 -> 753 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 749 -> 748 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | BEN MISTOFSKY |2.0 |W 29|W 19|L 2|L 7| OH | 30123551 / R: 737 -> 726 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 731 -> 721 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | NATHAN LI |2.0 |W 22|L 10|L 18|W 26| OH | 30258678 / R: 716 -> 696 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 704 -> 686 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | NIHAL ALLENA |2.0 |L 2|W 26|L 19|W 28| | 17226321 / R: 696P24-> 683 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 696P24-> 682 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | JONATHAN KURIAN |2.0 |L 19|W 18|L 5|W 27| OH | 17247072 / R: 674 -> 669 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 670 -> 665 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | MALCOLM STRICKER |2.0 |L 5|W 30|W 23|L 4| OH | 30791758 / R: 640P12-> 664P16 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 634P12-> 658P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | JASON LI |2.0 |W 12|L 16|W 14|L 5| OH | 30144082 / R: 553 -> 638 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 548 -> 632 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | MARJANE SEARL |2.0 |W 16|L 13|W 15|L 8| IN | 30741383 / R: 538P9 -> 602P13 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 557P9 -> 604P13 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | LEVEND AKBEN |2.0 |W 28|L 3|L 8|W 25| OH | 30795230 / R: 500P11-> 578P15 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 501P11-> 574P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | JANICE LI |1.5 |L 10|D 22|L 12|W 29| OH | 30138420 / R: 684 -> 644 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 679 -> 639 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | LUCAS ZHANG |1.5 |L 14|D 21|L 24|W 30| OH | 30184904 / R: 638 -> 603 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 633 -> 598 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | ABIGAIL RAPAKA |1.0 |W 26|L 2|L 17|L 9| OH | 17086771 / R: 817 -> 748 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 807 -> 739 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | JONAH JEFFERS |1.0 |L 6|L 4|W 22|L 12| OH | 30381557 / R: 796 -> 736 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 793 -> 731 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | GABRIEL BANDOS |1.0 |L 9|W 28|L 3|L 20| PA | 30605731 / R: 661P20-> 619P24 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 666P20-> 621P24 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | ISAAC ALLEN |1.0 |L 23|L 15|W 30|L 14| OH | 30777226 / R: 667 -> 595 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 653 -> 583 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | DAVID WILLIAM REAUME |1.0 |W 8|L 6|L 4|L 16| OH | 30515599 / R: 561P22-> 563 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 552P17-> 554P21 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | JACOB YAN |1.0 |L 20|L 25|W 29|L 15| OH | 30791717 / R: 541P16-> 495P20 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 539P16-> 493P20 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | SETH PEIRIS |0.0 |L 13|L 8|L 28|L 21| | 17262921 / R: 580 -> 476 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 578 -> 472 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | MATEO BRITO-BERENS |0.0 |L 7|L 17|L 26|L 22| OH | 30859938 / R: 547P4 -> 415P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 545P4 -> 410P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 6 – MS RESERVE U500
Chief TD   ELIOT SERNAU  (30563668)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  46 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | KEYIN PETERSON |4.0 |W 12|W 5|W 7|W 6| PA | 31089751 / R: Unrated-> 997P4 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 997P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | BISON GREENBERG |4.0 |W 25|W 34|W 4|W 13| OH | 30876123 / R: 374P12-> 629P16 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 373P12-> 628P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | JACKSON KLINE |4.0 |W 30|W 20|W 8|W 9| OH | 30694825 / R: 322P11-> 601P15 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: 322P11-> 602P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ETHAN LIU MA |3.0 |W 28|W 21|L 2|W 23| OH | 30839393 / R: 565P11-> 587P15 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 562P11-> 585P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | PETER MECKES |3.0 |W 31|L 1|W 23|W 21| OH | 16957437 / R: 460 -> 561 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 460 -> 560 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | OSCAR ROBINSON |3.0 |W 15|W 22|W 18|L 1| OH | 17319542 / R: 345P12-> 542P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 346P12-> 542P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | WILLIAM HAMMOND |3.0 |W 44|W 24|L 1|W 22| OH | 30736486 / R: 471P23-> 534 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 465P23-> 530 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | CALVIN POWELL |3.0 |W 17|W 14|L 3|W 26| OH | 17164323 / R: 463 -> 533 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 470 -> 536 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MASON RODGERS |3.0 |W 43|W 37|W 19|L 3| OH | 17022741 / R: 462P9 -> 493P13 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 466P9 -> 495P13 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | SMILE ADHIKARI |3.0 |L 37|W 28|W 25|W 19| OH | 30795240 / R: 450P4 -> 463P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 450P4 -> 463P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | STONE SORENSEN |3.0 |W 29|L 19|W 33|W 18| OH | 30473628 / R: 404 -> 462 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 404 -> 462 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | GABRIEL TANGEN |3.0 |L 1|W 42|W 41|W 43| OH | 16263380 / R: 412 -> 435 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 412 -> 435 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | SIMON CHUWAN |3.0 |W 40|W 41|W 27|L 2| OH | 30795331 / R: 372P12-> 410P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 373P12-> 410P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | DONALD KENNEDY |3.0 |W 46|L 8|W 30|W 20| OH | 30793143 / R: 318P16-> 403P20 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 319P16-> 403P20 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | ROCCO BAON |2.5 |L 6|D 17|W 44|W 36| OH | 31091755 / R: Unrated-> 442P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 442P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | WILL ALLEN |2.5 |D 34|L 27|W 32|W 31| OH | 31091681 / R: Unrated-> 381P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 380P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | XYROW BERRAS |2.5 |L 8|D 15|W 34|W 27| OH | 30795415 / R: 115P11-> 325P15 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 115P11-> 325P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | EMIRHAN KARA |2.0 |W 38|W 35|L 6|L 11| OH | 31021893 / R: 628P4 -> 519P8 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 630P4 -> 520P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | DEVAANSH GUPTA |2.0 |W 42|W 11|L 9|L 10| OH | 30791557 / R: 511 -> 477 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 510 -> 476 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | NISHANT RAI |2.0 |W 45|L 3|W 24|L 14| OH | 30795421 / R: 474P11-> 448P15 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 470P11-> 444P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | GRAYSON KAMINSKY |2.0 |W 32|L 4|W 35|L 5| | 17019471 / R: Unrated-> 446P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 446P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | TAO HINDS |2.0 |W 33|L 6|W 36|L 7| OH | 31089778 / R: Unrated-> 431P4 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 430P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | AHMAD MURPHY-SHABAZZ |2.0 |W 35|W 38|L 5|L 4| OH | 31081358 / R: Unrated-> 427P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 426P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | MARCELLACE HART |2.0 |W 26|L 7|L 20|W 39| | 31095824 / R: Unrated-> 356P4 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 354P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | JUDE LINDQUIST |2.0 |L 2|W 45|L 10|W 38| OH | 31091712 / R: Unrated-> 353P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 353P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | SEDONA AIELLO |2.0 |L 24|W 46|W 37|L 8| OH | 30326309 / R: 318P20-> 301P24 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 318P20-> 301P24 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | FATIMA SHAH |2.0 |W 36|W 16|L 13|L 17| OH | 30876131 / R: 105P4 -> 235P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 105P4 -> 235P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | ENGZANG LIMBU |2.0 |L 4|L 10|W 45|W 37| OH | 30951603 / R: 105P4 -> 212P8 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: 105P4 -> 212P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | CESAR PINONES |2.0 |L 11|L 36|W 46|W 41| OH | 30879003 / R: 110P8 -> 162P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 110P8 -> 162P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | BRENDAN FLOWERS |1.5 |L 3|W 39|L 14|D 33| OH | 31091740 / R: Unrated-> 251P4 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 251P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | RYAN RENNELL |1.5 |L 5|D 32|W 43|L 16| OH | 31091722 / R: Unrated-> 237P4 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 236P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | CALEB BRUCKNER |1.5 |L 21|D 31|L 16|W 44| OH | 30791026 / R: 237P8 -> 222P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 237P8 -> 222P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | ISAIAH WATKINS |1.5 |L 22|W 40|L 11|D 30| OH | 30795386 / R: 228P12-> 210P16 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 229P12-> 211P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | GRAYSON PERO-LUTER |1.0 |D 16|L 2|L 17|H | OH | 31021735 / R: 553P7 -> 447P10 | |B |W |B | | | Q: 548P7 -> 444P10 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | PAYTON NAGY |1.0 |L 23|L 18|L 21|W 46| OH | 17231960 / R: 452 -> 362 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 452 -> 362 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | PRISHA JUYAL |1.0 |L 27|W 29|L 22|L 15| OH | 16503781 / R: 453 -> 336 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 454 -> 336 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | BEN LICHMAN |1.0 |W 10|L 9|L 26|L 28| OH | 31091644 / R: Unrated-> 173P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 173P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | BENNY THOMAS |1.0 |L 18|L 23|W 42|L 25| OH | 30384898 / R: 176 -> 155 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 177 -> 155 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | MAGNOLIA SPECHT |1.0 |L 41|L 30|W 40|L 24| OH | 30321823 / R: 172 -> 150 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 173 -> 150 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | NATHAN MOSS |1.0 |L 13|L 33|L 39|W 45| OH | 31090062 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | NIVRUT CHOUDAVARAPU |1.0 |W 39|L 13|L 12|L 29| | 31093295 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | FREDERICK TURNER |1.0 |L 19|L 12|L 38|B | OH | 30879042 / R: 101P4 -> 102P7 | |W |W |B | | | Q: 101P4 -> 102P7 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | HOPE EAVES |0.5 |L 9|D 44|L 31|L 12| OH | 30793134 / R: 110P8 -> 113P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 110P8 -> 113P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | ANDREW SICHKO |0.5 |L 7|D 43|L 15|L 32| OH | 31089744 / R: Unrated-> 103P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 103P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | STEPHEN JARC |0.0 |L 20|L 25|L 28|L 40| OH | 30796705 / R: 117P8 -> 113P12 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 117P8 -> 113P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | NATALIE FOSTER |0.0 |L 14|L 26|L 29|L 35| OH | 31089798 / R: Unrated-> 101P4 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 101P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 7 – ELEM RESERVE 3-5 U500
Chief TD   MS. STACIA MELINDA PUGH  (15901008)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  75 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | WILTON WU |4.0 |W 43|W 30|W 33|W 6| OH | 30695746 / R: 432P11-> 616P15 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 434P11-> 616P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | COLIN CHEUNG |4.0 |W 14|W 18|W 16|W 12| OH | 17355367 / R: Unrated-> 597P11 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 597P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | JORDAN DENZIL |4.0 |W 53|W 40|W 13|W 22| OH | 30665111 / R: 391P23-> 548 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 390P23-> 548 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | JESSICA ALFRED |3.5 |W 48|W 19|D 7|W 26| OH | 17155246 / R: 505 -> 590 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 503 -> 589 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | AVIRUP BANERJEE |3.5 |W 72|D 37|W 50|W 20| OH | 30217217 / R: 453 -> 484 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 452 -> 483 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | REED FLEICHHACKER |3.0 |W 58|W 31|W 15|L 1| OH | 31090070 / R: Unrated-> 612P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 610P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | KIERAN ULM |3.0 |W 39|W 29|D 4|D 11| | 31040179 / R: 560P4 -> 591P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 564P4 -> 593P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | JOSEPH SICHKO |3.0 |W 32|L 13|W 36|W 30| OH | 31089840 / R: Unrated-> 550P4 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 550P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | COOPER MASON SMITH |3.0 |L 36|W 58|W 44|W 31| OH | 30955762 / R: Unrated-> 498P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 498P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | DHRITI JAYANT |3.0 |D 23|W 62|D 37|W 33| OH | 30125839 / R: 490P22-> 487 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: 490P22-> 487 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | SADIE MARIE CONKLIN-ARNOLD |3.0 |D 50|W 25|W 23|D 7| OH | 30314007 / R: 454 -> 487 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 467 -> 494 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | HENRY FRIEDLANDER |3.0 |W 52|W 44|W 45|L 2| OH | 17169733 / R: 415 -> 444 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 415 -> 444 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | NABIL ALBEIROTI |3.0 |W 69|W 8|L 3|W 47| OH | 30884993 / R: 316P12-> 439P16 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 317P12-> 439P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | AADI SHAH |3.0 |L 2|W 41|W 60|W 39| OH | 30941321 / R: 390P11-> 432P15 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 389P11-> 432P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | NITHARA ARING |3.0 |W 56|W 42|L 6|W 43| OH | 17351432 / R: 389 -> 429 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 379 -> 424 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | KNOX TREBONIAK |3.0 |W 63|W 46|L 2|W 37| OH | 30512829 / R: 370P12-> 428P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 369P12-> 428P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | ARISHA HUSSAIN |3.0 |W 51|W 36|L 22|W 40| OH | 30326111 / R: 404 -> 418 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 404 -> 418 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | ELIJAH CARPENTER |3.0 |W 28|L 2|W 52|W 45| OH | 30859771 / R: 304P8 -> 382P12 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 305P8 -> 382P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | THAMIZHINI SARAVANA KUMAR |3.0 |W 57|L 4|W 61|W 27| OH | 30809276 / R: 219P4 -> 349P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 219P4 -> 348P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | AMMAR SHAH |3.0 |W 73|W 35|W 27|L 5| OH | 30876149 / R: 172P4 -> 334P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 172P4 -> 333P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | RISHICA KARMEGAM |3.0 |W 61|L 27|W 67|W 28| OH | 30813375 / R: 236P5 -> 321P9 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 225P5 -> 313P9 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | DANYAAL HUSSAIN |3.0 |W 66|W 49|W 17|L 3| OH | 30859836 / R: 179P7 -> 305P11 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 177P7 -> 304P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | NASH SORENSEN |2.5 |D 10|W 34|L 11|W 54| OH | 30473642 / R: 182P22-> 317 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 183P22-> 318 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | RORY ALEXANDER |2.5 |B |L 45|D 51|W 46| OH | 30326101 / R: 347 -> 307 | | |B |W |B | | Q: 345 -> 305 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | MARIAL MAJOK |2.5 |D 54|L 11|W 70|W 51| OH | 30323513 / R: 195P23-> 236 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 195P23-> 237 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | AARAV MAKIN |2.0 |W 59|L 33|W 42|L 4| OH | 30790974 / R: 484P12-> 437P16 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 483P12-> 436P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | MATTHEW KAMINSKY |2.0 |W 47|W 21|L 20|L 19| OH | 17019486 / R: 412P17-> 379P21 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 401P17-> 371P21 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | KARTHIK JAYAPRAKASH |2.0 |L 18|W 38|W 59|L 21| | 30059370 / R: 416 -> 375 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 415 -> 373 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | MADELINE HUDAK |2.0 |W 71|L 7|L 47|W 65| OH | 30823755 / R: 424P20-> 375P24 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 417P20-> 369P24 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | KAMDEN KOPKAS |2.0 |W 75|L 1|W 62|L 8| | 30058733 / R: 378 -> 366 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 378 -> 366 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | FINNIAN SWOPE |2.0 |W 38|L 6|W 48|L 9| OH | 30950494 / R: 291P4 -> 335P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 292P4 -> 335P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | CHARLIE HOMOL |2.0 |L 8|W 63|L 46|W 60| OH | 30791493 / R: 358P12-> 321P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 359P12-> 321P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | ANDREW HOMOL |2.0 |W 68|W 26|L 1|L 10| OH | 30787383 / R: 256P12-> 317P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 257P12-> 318P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | WILLIAM HENRY |2.0 |L 45|L 23|W 53|W 63| OH | 30859910 / R: 410P4 -> 312P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 411P4 -> 313P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | SAMHITHA ADIGA |2.0 |W 70|L 20|L 43|W 50| OH | 30535421 / R: 354 -> 309 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 353 -> 309 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | SUHANI KAPOOR |2.0 |W 9|L 17|L 8|W 66| OH | 17325180 / R: 244P15-> 303P19 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 244P15-> 303P19 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | TAJ BUCARO |2.0 |W 65|D 5|D 10|L 16| OH | 30791893 / R: 226P4 -> 291P8 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: 228P4 -> 292P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | ADHRIT GUPTA |2.0 |L 31|L 28|W 69|W 58| OH | 31081343 / R: Unrated-> 278P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 277P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | TRENTON PRESTON |2.0 |L 7|W 71|W 49|L 14| OH | 17074248 / R: 197P19-> 263P23 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 197P19-> 263P23 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | NATHAN KESELMAN |2.0 |W 67|L 3|W 56|L 17| OH | 30694833 / R: 253 -> 261 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 252 -> 260 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | THALIN RAO |2.0 |L 42|L 14|W 74|W 59| OH | 31090141 / R: Unrated-> 237P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 236P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 | XANDER BOOTH |2.0 |W 41|L 15|L 26|W 62| OH | 30529433 / R: 207P10-> 235P14 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 206P10-> 233P14 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | AARAV DHARMENDRA PALIWAL |2.0 |L 1|W 68|W 35|L 15| OH | 30787233 / R: 137P12-> 235P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 138P12-> 235P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 | FRANK BROWN |2.0 |W 64|L 12|L 9|W 67| OH | 30384862 / R: 210P23-> 229 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 210P23-> 230 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 | WILLIAM FORTNER |2.0 |W 34|W 24|L 12|L 18| | 16967413 / R: 113P4 -> 225P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 113P4 -> 225P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | DAK MAJOK |2.0 |W 74|L 16|W 32|L 24| OH | 30323605 / R: 170P23-> 218 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 168P23-> 217 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 | LUCAS DELARATTA |2.0 |L 27|W 69|W 29|L 13| OH | 30529494 / R: 119P13-> 218P17 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 119P13-> 216P17 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 | GARRETT ROBINSON |2.0 |L 4|W 73|L 31|W 61| OH | 30871219 / R: 106P8 -> 166P12 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 106P8 -> 166P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | MATTHEW PERKINS |1.5 |W 60|L 22|L 39|D 52| OH | 30323561 / R: 406P24-> 312 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 403P24-> 310 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | SANKALP KHANDELWAL |1.5 |D 11|W 54|L 5|L 35| OH | 30941424 / R: 168P7 -> 190P11 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 168P7 -> 191P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 | VIHAAN DESHPANDE |1.5 |L 17|W 66|D 24|L 25| | 30478436 / R: 148P11-> 154P15 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 148P11-> 154P15 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | KAIDEN DAVIS |1.5 |L 12|W 74|L 18|D 49| OH | 30949956 / R: 105P4 -> 150P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 105P4 -> 149P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 | AVERY STARR |1.5 |L 3|D 64|L 34|W 74| OH | 30323583 / R: 140P24-> 147 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 140P24-> 147 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 | NATALIE ZAGORSKI |1.5 |D 25|L 50|W 64|L 23| OH | 31043469 / R: Unrated-> 132P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 133P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | TRISTIAN BROWN |1.5 |L 62|L 67|D 68|W 70| | 30953055 / R: 118P4 -> 114P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 116P4 -> 114P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 | LIAM HEINE |1.5 |L 15|W 75|L 40|D 57| OH | 30791747 / R: 105P10-> 112P14 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 105P10-> 112P14 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 | NOAH SCHARRER |1.5 |L 19|L 59|W 72|D 56| OH | 31043479 / R: Unrated-> 107P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 107P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | AMIE PATTALI |1.0 |L 6|L 9|W 71|L 38| | 30099033 / R: 357 -> 296 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 356 -> 295 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 | ISMAIL CHOWDHARY |1.0 |L 26|W 57|L 28|L 41| OH | 30795209 / R: 170P12-> 139P16 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 170P12-> 138P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 | KAUSTUBH AICH |1.0 |L 49|W 65|L 14|L 32| OH | 30941485 / R: 105P4 -> 110P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 105P4 -> 110P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | AYDEN JIMMISON |1.0 |L 21|W 72|L 19|L 48| OH | 31021987 / R: 103P4 -> 108P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 103P4 -> 108P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 | SHELVON STARLING |1.0 |W 55|L 10|L 30|L 42| | 30955262 / R: 101P4 -> 106P8 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 101P4 -> 106P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 | JEIXANDEL PEREZ-ACEVEDO |1.0 |L 16|L 32|B |L 34| OH | 30795150 / R: 104P8 -> 105P11 | |B |W | |W | | Q: 104P8 -> 105P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | MIRA MCCLUSKY |1.0 |L 44|D 53|L 54|D 68| OH | 30941443 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 | ALI HAMMAD |1.0 |L 37|L 60|W 73|L 29| OH | 31043502 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 | ETHAN SHINDERMAN |1.0 |L 22|L 51|W 75|L 36| OH | 31091324 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | SAMARTH PANDEY |1.0 |L 40|W 55|L 21|L 44| OH | 31091677 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 | TONY CALDWELL |1.0 |L 33|L 43|D 55|D 64| | 31095810 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 | RYAN SMITH |1.0 |L 13|L 47|L 38|W 75| | 31095936 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 | SHELDON STARLING |1.0 |L 35|B |L 25|L 55| OH | 30949934 / R: 101P4 -> 102P7 | |W | |B |W | | Q: 101P4 -> 102P7 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 | ROHAN BUSA |1.0 |L 29|L 39|L 58|B | OH | 31081426 / R: Unrated-> 101P3 | |W |B |W | | | Q: Unrated-> 101P3 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 | DILUSHAN MURALIDHARAN |0.5 |L 5|L 61|L 57|D 73| OH | 30695823 / R: 116P16-> 119P20 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 116P16-> 119P20 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 | CLAIRE KENNEDY |0.5 |L 20|L 48|L 65|D 72| OH | 31043443 / R: Unrated-> 103P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 103P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 | AADHYA BHOGASAMUDRAM |0.0 |L 46|L 52|L 41|L 53| OH | 31043428 / R: Unrated-> 101P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 101P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 | AVYUKT ARAVINDH |0.0 |L 30|L 56|L 66|L 69| OH | 31043496 / R: Unrated-> 101P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 101P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section 8 – PRIMARY RESERVE K-2 U500
Chief TD   MS. STACIA MELINDA PUGH  (15901008)
Section Date(s)   2023-03-04
Processed   Received: 2023-03-05   Entered: 2023-03-05   Rated: 2023-03-05 Re-Rated: 2023-03-28
Stats   4 Rounds,  26 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/30;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | AMELIA SOLORZANO |4.0 |W 18|W 14|W 11|W 4| OH | 30941391 / R: 451P12-> 578P16 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 447P12-> 575P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | AKSHAJ TRIPATHI |3.5 |W 13|D 17|W 8|W 7| OH | 30384803 / R: 417 -> 515 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 414 -> 512 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MAYA SHANKAR |3.0 |L 12|W 20|W 18|W 11| OH | 30529522 / R: 480 -> 466 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 476 -> 462 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | LEO AUGUSTINE |3.0 |W 6|W 15|W 5|L 1| OH | 30795773 / R: 275 -> 462 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 274 -> 460 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | CHELSEA FENG |3.0 |W 23|W 16|L 4|W 13| | 30443499 / R: 421 -> 434 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 420 -> 433 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | HENRY YOU |3.0 |L 4|W 23|W 17|W 14| OH | 30791709 / R: 366 -> 398 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 364 -> 396 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | JACKSON HUFF |2.5 |D 8|W 9|W 10|L 2| OH | 30941287 / R: Unrated-> 471P4 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 468P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | DAVID XU |2.5 |D 7|W 25|L 2|W 19| OH | 30791516 / R: 334P25-> 356 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 332P25-> 354 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | MADELINE CENTENO |2.5 |D 19|L 7|W 25|W 12| OH | 30512976 / R: 328P19-> 331P23 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 326P19-> 329P23 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | MUSA ALI |2.5 |D 25|W 19|L 7|W 17| OH | 30859862 / R: 292P8 -> 305P12 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 289P8 -> 303P12 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | ANANYA DEB |2.0 |W 21|W 12|L 1|L 3| OH | 30529614 / R: 309 -> 321 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 304P22-> 317 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | NICOLAS BRITO-BERENS |2.0 |W 3|L 11|W 16|L 9| OH | 30859928 / R: 211P4 -> 271P8 | |W |W |B |B | | Q: 208P4 -> 268P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | NEERAV DHARMENDRA PALIWAL |2.0 |L 2|W 26|W 15|L 5| OH | 30791846 / R: 220P12-> 252P16 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 216P12-> 250P16 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | TANVEER SHEIK |2.0 |W 20|L 1|W 21|L 6| OH | 30381796 / R: 237 -> 251 | |W |B |W |W | | Q: 234 -> 248 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | WILLIAM MOYER |2.0 |W 24|L 4|L 13|W 21| OH | 30880497 / R: 271P4 -> 249P8 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 268P4 -> 247P8 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | NIKO THIBON |2.0 |W 26|L 5|L 12|W 24| OH | 30861129 / R: 234P7 -> 230P11 | |B |W |W |B | | Q: 232P7 -> 228P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | SULLY COOPER |1.5 |W 22|D 2|L 6|L 10| OH | 30318646 / R: 256 -> 245 | |B |W |B |B | | Q: 254 -> 243 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | ZAYNEDEEN SCHWEN |1.5 |L 1|W 24|L 3|D 20| OH | 30791904 / R: 170P6 -> 185P10 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 168P6 -> 183P10 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | VIDHYA VELUCHAMY |1.5 |D 9|L 10|W 26|L 8| OH | 30384545 / R: 121P20-> 139P24 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 121P20-> 139P24 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | EMMA HU |1.5 |L 14|L 3|W 23|D 18| OH | 30791599 / R: 108P7 -> 122P11 | |B |B |W |W | | Q: 108P7 -> 121P11 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | SIDDHANT GUPTA |1.0 |L 11|W 22|L 14|L 15| OH | 30791878 / R: 105P6 -> 110P10 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 105P6 -> 110P10 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | TITUS BORRA |1.0 |L 17|L 21|L 24|W 26| OH | 31043393 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | PETER SICHKO |1.0 |L 5|L 6|L 20|W 25| OH | 31089968 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | BENJAMIN MCDONALD |1.0 |L 15|L 18|W 22|L 16| OH | 31090084 / R: Unrated-> 105P4 | |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 105P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | ANDERSEN FOSTER |0.5 |D 10|L 8|L 9|L 23| OH | 30787376 / R: 107P9 -> 110P13 | |W |B |W |B | | Q: 107P9 -> 110P13 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | MILES MCCLUSKY |0.0 |L 16|L 13|L 19|L 22| OH | 30941451 / R: Unrated-> 101P4 | |W |B |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 101P4 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.