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HSMS Championship Tournament Results

Event Summary
Event   2023 OHIO HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL  (202305079202)
Location CLEVELAND, OH  44120  
Event Date(s) 2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Sponsoring Affiliate PROGRESS WITH CHESS  (A6008140)
Chief  TD DAVID BILLS  (13524338)
Chief Assist. TD ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Processed Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08
Stats 5 Section(s),  153 Players
The ratings shown on this page are not official published ratings and may change from time to time. Using them for pairing purposes in tournaments should only be done if this has been advertised in all advance publicity and is announced to all players at the tournament.
HINT:     * Click on a Section Name to see the cross table for that Section,  or
  * Click on “Show All Sections” to see the cross tables for all sections at once.



Section Date(s)   2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Processed   Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08 Re-Rated: 2023-05-09
Stats   6 Rounds,  41 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/90;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | JASON WANG |6.0 |B |W 19|W 4|W 3|W 2|W 5| OH | 15162675 / R: 2543 ->2548 |N:C | |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | ROHAN PADHYE |5.0 |W 24|W 6|W 8|W 18|L 1|W 7| OH | 15268735 / R: 2265 ->2271 |N:C |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | DAE SAN KIM |5.0 |W 26|W 21|W 20|L 1|W 18|W 12| OH | 15015721 / R: 2012 ->2025 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | VARUN SATHYAJEETH |4.5 |W 27|W 15|L 1|W 11|D 5|W 14| | 15583186 / R: 2005 ->2006 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | IAN BROIHIER |4.5 |W 28|W 10|W 7|W 16|D 4|L 1| OH | 30272851 / R: 1886 ->1912 |N:1 |B |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | JOSHUA GARROW |4.5 |W 34|L 2|W 17|D 14|W 29|W 15| OH | 30187192 / R: 1726 ->1737 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | SEAN TAN |4.0 |W 17|W 14|L 5|W 20|W 8|L 2| OH | 15301038 / R: 2082 ->2072 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | MATT WANG |4.0 |X |W 23|L 2|W 22|L 7|W 16| OH | 15728146 / R: 2009 ->1996 |N:4 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | PAUL AARON ALEXANDER |4.0 |W 37|L 20|W 23|W 30|L 12|W 26| OH | 16157394 / R: 1776 ->1750 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | RAMESH CHHETRI |4.0 |W 31|L 5|L 30|W 33|W 20|W 18| OH | 16922520 / R: 1251 ->1334 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | HARRISON PAUL SCHILLING |4.0 |L 16|W 32|W 41|L 4|W 27|W 24| OH | 16311084 / R: 1275P20->1296 | |B |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | MICHAEL LIN |3.5 |W 39|L 18|W 29|D 15|W 9|L 3| OH | 15420090 / R: 2015 ->1978 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | RISHEETH KANKEYAN |3.5 |W 32|D 16|L 18|W 24|L 14|W 23| OH | 16597998 / R: 1768 ->1719 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | PRANITH R KOLLI |3.5 |W 36|L 7|W 28|D 6|W 13|L 4| OH | 15583165 / R: 1604 ->1629 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | JACK HAMILTON |3.5 |W 38|L 4|W 26|D 12|W 25|L 6| OH | 16280602 / R: 1606 ->1611 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | WRIDDHI NANDAN |3.5 |W 11|D 13|W 25|L 5|W 19|L 8| OH | 17068637 / R: 1224 ->1386 |N:3 |W |B |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | NOUH SHAIKH |3.5 |L 7|W 35|L 6|W 31|D 22|W 29| OH | 16845730 / R: 1140 ->1226 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | MAX GOLDBERG |3.0 |W 33|W 12|W 13|L 2|L 3|L 10| OH | 30796141 / R: 1457P4 ->1605P10 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | AKSHAR PATEL |3.0 |W 35|L 1|L 24|W 28|L 16|W 30| OH | 16205894 / R: 1655 ->1602 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | OWEN FRANK |3.0 |W 22|W 9|L 3|L 7|L 10|W 34| OH | 31225918 / R: Unrated->1585P6 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | XYAIRE HILL |3.0 |W 30|L 3|D 37|D 27|L 24|W 35| OH | 30354584 / R: 1384 ->1339 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | GRACE ZHAO |3.0 |L 20|W 33|W 39|L 8|D 17|D 25| | 15876836 / R: 1315 ->1301 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | SHAKNIL GURUNG |3.0 |W 40|L 8|L 9|W 35|W 30|L 13| | 16922562 / R: 1244 ->1258 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | LEO ISHIDA |3.0 |L 2|W 34|W 19|L 13|W 21|L 11| OH | 30451643 / R: 1151P13->1239P19 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | RYAN J MOODY |3.0 |D 29|X |L 16|W 38|L 15|D 22| OH | 31205510 / R: 1218P18->1218P23 | |B | |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | MS. MANOGHNA R KOLLI |3.0 |L 3|W 40|L 15|W 39|W 38|L 9| OH | 15583171 / R: 1099 ->1105 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | PHAT NGO |3.0 |L 4|D 38|W 34|D 21|L 11|W 31| | 16922494 / R: 1086 ->1098 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | VED PRASHANT CHABUKSWAR |3.0 |L 5|W 31|L 14|L 19|W 36|W 32| OH | 17181828 / R: 1048 ->1092 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | WESLEY Y LAI |2.5 |D 25|W 41|L 12|W 37|L 6|L 17| OH | 15117155 / R: 1412 ->1373 | |W |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | ASHTON YU |2.0 |L 21|X |W 10|L 9|L 23|L 19| OH | 31237630 / R: Unrated->1168P5 | |W | |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | ATHULITH KANTETI |2.0 |L 10|L 28|W 40|L 17|W 41|L 27| CA | 30032927 / R: Unrated->1051P16 | |B |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | BRADY YUAN |2.0 |L 13|L 11|L 38|W 41|W 39|L 28| OH | 16147438 / R: 1004 -> 947 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 | JACKSON DAY |2.0 |L 18|L 22|W 36|L 10|L 34|W 38| OH | 31225899 / R: Unrated-> 888P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | SASHANK JALADI |2.0 |L 6|L 24|L 27|B |W 33|L 20| OH | 15839364 / R: 780 -> 802 | |B |W |B | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 | UMIDJON SHOPULATOV |2.0 |L 19|L 17|B |L 23|W 40|L 21| | 16127634 / R: 729 -> 736 | |W |B | |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 | ERIK PILAEV |2.0 |L 14|L 37|L 33|W 40|L 28|W 41| OH | 31225713 / R: Unrated-> 699P6 | |W |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | REED SWARTZ |1.5 |L 9|W 36|D 21|L 29|U |U | OH | 16313755 / R: 1040 ->1056 | |B |W |W |B | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 | TYLER STEVENS |1.5 |L 15|D 27|W 32|L 25|L 26|L 33| | 17068622 / R: 718P17-> 758P23 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 | ARVIN GALOLO |1.0 |L 12|B |L 22|L 26|L 32|L 40| | 30360259 / R: 582 -> 541 | |W | |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | JOHN ANAND |1.0 |L 23|L 26|L 31|L 36|L 35|W 39| OH | 31225864 / R: Unrated-> 532P6 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | ROHAN DASANOOR |1.0 |B |L 29|L 11|L 32|L 31|L 36| OH | 15834408 / R: 317P25-> 308 | | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section Date(s)   2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Processed   Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08 Re-Rated: 2023-05-09
Stats   6 Rounds,  29 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/60;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ADAM RYZENGA |5.5 |W 18|W 24|W 21|W 7|D 2|W 6| OH | 30783414 / R: 817P9 -> 995P15 | |W |B |W |B |W |W | | Q: 796P9 -> 994P15 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | CADEN GILBERT |5.0 |D 4|W 8|W 23|W 11|D 1|W 9| OH | 17177843 / R: 636 -> 910 | |W |B |W |W |B |W | | Q: 626 -> 900 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | VINAY GARG |4.5 |W 27|L 11|W 22|W 4|D 5|W 10| OH | 30320842 / R: 969 -> 960 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: 876 -> 890 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | CHUCK PROBST |4.5 |D 2|W 12|W 6|L 3|W 19|W 13| OH | 31047444 / R: 592P5 -> 824P11 | |B |W |W |B |B |W | | Q: 573P5 -> 807P11 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | JACK BAKHSHI |4.5 |W 29|W 13|L 7|W 19|D 3|W 11| OH | 31047433 / R: 655P4 -> 821P10 | |B |B |W |W |B |B | | Q: 630P4 -> 796P10 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | ROHAN SAHOO |4.0 |W 12|W 9|L 4|W 15|W 7|L 1| OH | 31237496 / R: Unrated-> 966P6 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 975P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | THOMAS DEMUTH |4.0 |W 17|W 16|W 5|L 1|L 6|W 15| OH | 30321836 / R: 874 -> 883 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 869 -> 886 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | NOAH BERKEL |4.0 |L 24|L 2|W 26|W 18|W 23|W 19| OH | 31022028 / R: 745P8 -> 731P14 | |W |W |B |W |B |B | | Q: 740P8 -> 728P14 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | JOHN ANTHUVAN |3.5 |W 22|L 6|W 24|W 21|D 11|L 2| OH | 14727225 / R: 988 -> 931 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 959 -> 907 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | KIRK PINNOCK |3.5 |L 15|W 20|W 16|W 14|D 13|L 3| OH | 31237626 / R: Unrated-> 799P6 | |B |W |B |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 812P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | LAKSHANYAA RAMJEE |3.5 |W 25|W 3|W 14|L 2|D 9|L 5| OH | 30315846 / R: 725 -> 797 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | | Q: 708 -> 777 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | SABIN DHUNGANA |3.5 |L 6|L 4|W 20|W 24|W 21|D 14| OH | 17175778 / R: 751 -> 772 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 787 -> 794 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ARYA DESHPANDE |3.5 |W 26|L 5|W 18|W 23|D 10|L 4| | 16324295 / R: 774 -> 757 | |B |W |B |W |B |B | | Q: 771 -> 754 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | QUINN TAGUE |3.5 |W 28|W 15|L 11|L 10|W 22|D 12| OH | 30932977 / R: 741P10-> 734P16 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 719P10-> 725P16 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | BINITA BISWA |3.0 |W 10|L 14|W 25|L 6|W 17|L 7| OH | 16872525 / R: 664 -> 685 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 777 -> 762 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | DEREK TRAN |3.0 |X |L 7|L 10|L 17|X |W 23| OH | 30358617 / R: 694 -> 630 | | |B |W |B | |W | | Q: 768 -> 688 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | ANDREW CONLEY |3.0 |L 7|X |L 19|W 16|L 15|W 22| OH | 30784854 / R: 428P20-> 508P25 | |W | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 425P20-> 515P25 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | CHARLES JACOBS |3.0 |L 1|W 28|L 13|L 8|W 26|W 20| OH | 30793120 / R: 391P24-> 481 | |B |W |W |B |B |W | | Q: 466P17-> 518P23 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | OMA DAHAL |2.0 |B |L 21|W 17|L 5|L 4|L 8| OH | 16845724 / R: 830 -> 716 | | |B |W |B |W |W | | Q: 799 -> 690 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | ADAM REHOUMA |2.0 |L 21|L 10|L 12|W 26|W 24|L 18| OH | 30520241 / R: 803P20-> 695 | |W |B |B |W |W |B | | Q: 828P15-> 717P21 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | ABHISHEK GHOSH |2.0 |W 20|W 19|L 1|L 9|L 12|U | OH | 30327533 / R: 600P23-> 648 | |B |W |B |W |B | | | Q: 594P23-> 645 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | ZAMAURION ATKINS |2.0 |L 9|W 26|L 3|W 25|L 14|L 17| OH | 30951563 / R: 546P20-> 523 | |B |W |W |B |W |B | | Q: 524P13-> 507P19 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | AARON SILVA |2.0 |B |W 29|L 2|L 13|L 8|L 16| OH | 30783405 / R: 470P19-> 432P24 | | |W |B |B |W |B | | Q: 459P19-> 427P24 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | NYX MCNABB |1.5 |W 8|L 1|L 9|L 12|L 20|D 26| OH | 30783549 / R: 664 -> 614 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 675P25-> 624 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | STEPHEN DAVIS |1.0 |L 11|W 27|L 15|L 22|F |U | OH | 31225974 / R: Unrated-> 415P4 | |B |W |B |W | | | | Q: Unrated-> 423P4 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | DALISA CHANTHAPHA |0.5 |L 13|L 22|L 8|L 20|L 18|D 24| OH | 30793150 / R: 358P16-> 326P22 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 357P16-> 327P22 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | AMARI HURT |0.0 |L 3|L 25|U |U |U |U | OH | 17243785 / R: 540P13-> 485P15 | |W |B | | | | | | Q: 539P13-> 482P15 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | THOMAS SMITH |0.0 |L 14|L 18|U |U |U |U | OH | 31237540 / R: Unrated-> 128P2 | |W |B | | | | | | Q: Unrated-> 161P2 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | GABE CUMMINGS |0.0 |L 5|L 23|U |U |U |U | OH | 31237603 / R: Unrated-> 100P2 | |W |B | | | | | | Q: Unrated-> 100P2 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Section Date(s)   2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Processed   Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08 Re-Rated: 2023-05-09
Stats   6 Rounds,  32 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/90;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | CHARITHRA C ARVIND |5.5 |D 18|W 21|W 7|W 22|W 5|W 2| OH | 15717256 / R: 1667 ->1784 |N:1 |B |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | HENRI VAN ZANDWEGHE |5.0 |W 20|W 8|W 15|W 4|W 3|L 1| OH | 15949902 / R: 1917 ->1927 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MR. ARJUN GORAKH SONI |4.5 |W 23|W 13|W 9|W 5|L 2|D 6| OH | 16150557 / R: 2021 ->2011 |N:2 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ZHOUWEI NI |4.5 |D 21|W 18|W 12|L 2|W 13|W 9| OH | 30381622 / R: 1726 ->1721 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | MINGHAO GU |4.0 |W 29|W 14|W 22|L 3|L 1|W 13| OH | 16148233 / R: 2028 ->2006 |N:2 |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | MASON WU |4.0 |W 17|L 15|W 31|D 8|W 12|D 3| OH | 16175631 / R: 1645 ->1633 |N:4 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | MR. ANDREW J ZHU |4.0 |W 28|D 12|L 1|W 17|D 8|W 16| OH | 30052909 / R: 1646 ->1626 |N:4 |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | ETHAN CAO |4.0 |W 16|L 2|W 30|D 6|D 7|W 15| OH | 16823567 / R: 1560 ->1577 |N:3 |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | COLIN PARK |4.0 |W 25|W 10|L 3|W 11|W 14|L 4| OH | 16104281 / R: 1511 ->1537 |N:3 |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | EVAN CAO |4.0 |W 24|L 9|W 26|L 13|W 25|W 14| OH | 16823573 / R: 1264 ->1293 | |W |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | ANDY HE |3.5 |W 30|L 22|W 16|L 9|D 21|W 17| OH | 30616107 / R: 1371 ->1370 | |W |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | SOPHIA ELIZABETH PANCIU |3.5 |W 31|D 7|L 4|W 29|L 6|W 21| OH | 30124887 / R: 1237 ->1271 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | THOMAS HUNT |3.0 |W 27|L 3|W 29|W 10|L 4|L 5| OH | 30260212 / R: 1509 ->1509 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | HARINANDHAN VASANTHAKUMAR |3.0 |W 26|L 5|W 23|W 15|L 9|L 10| | 17175757 / R: 1529 ->1493 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | JASON NEIL HUANG |3.0 |W 19|W 6|L 2|L 14|W 23|L 8| OH | 15963308 / R: 1311 ->1339 | |W |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | OLIVIA REBECCA PANCIU |3.0 |L 8|W 32|L 11|W 24|W 18|L 7| OH | 30124879 / R: 1318 ->1301 | |B |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | JAMES YANG |3.0 |L 6|W 28|W 32|L 7|X |L 11| | 15876821 / R: 1211 ->1195 | |W |B |B |W | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | MAX LUO |3.0 |D 1|L 4|D 21|W 26|L 16|W 27| OH | 16085488 / R: 1059 ->1087 | |W |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | ARYAN JAIN |3.0 |L 15|L 31|L 24|W 32|X |W 23| OH | 30512875 / R: 1112P8 ->1013P13 | |B |W |W |B | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | ELI RUTHERFORD |3.0 |L 2|L 26|L 27|W 28|W 24|W 25| OH | 16195682 / R: 1023 -> 992 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | JEREMY HAMMEL |2.5 |D 4|L 1|D 18|W 31|D 11|L 12| OH | 31027171 / R: 963 ->1033 | |B |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | COLE BRAUN |2.0 |W 32|W 11|L 5|L 1|F |U | OH | 30478538 / R: 1852 ->1828 | |W |B |W |B | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | JASHWIN PISINI |2.0 |L 3|W 25|L 14|W 27|L 15|L 19| OH | 16186480 / R: 1037 ->1024 | |B |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | ANDREW ILER |2.0 |L 10|L 29|W 19|L 16|L 20|W 31| OH | 31225856 / R: Unrated-> 936P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | OSTAP KORPAN |2.0 |L 9|L 23|W 28|W 30|L 10|L 20| OH | 31226016 / R: Unrated-> 893P6 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | NATHAN LOOMAN |2.0 |L 14|W 20|L 10|L 18|L 28|W 32| OH | 31225720 / R: Unrated-> 850P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | AYDEN SHRESTHA |2.0 |L 13|L 30|W 20|L 23|W 31|L 18| OH | 31225827 / R: Unrated-> 850P6 | |W |B |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | EZRA MENESES |2.0 |L 7|L 17|L 25|L 20|W 26|B | OH | 31225738 / R: Unrated-> 759P5 | |B |W |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | NIHAL GUMMADALA |1.0 |L 5|W 24|L 13|L 12|U |U | OH | 16497806 / R: 1105 ->1101 | |W |B |W |B | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | EDWARD GREENFIELD |1.0 |L 11|W 27|L 8|L 25|F |U | OH | 31237728 / R: Unrated-> 834P4 | |B |W |B |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | ANTHONY JUNHAO JUNHA ZHANG |1.0 |L 12|W 19|L 6|L 21|L 27|L 24| OH | 31236430 / R: Unrated-> 744P6 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | AMOGH LOKESH |1.0 |L 22|L 16|L 17|L 19|B |L 26| OH | 16489991 / R: 602 -> 583 | |B |B |W |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Chief TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Processed   Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08 Re-Rated: 2023-05-09
Stats   6 Rounds,  20 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/60;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | CHRIS BANTO |5.0 |L 2|W 9|W 7|W 14|W 4|W 5| OH | 31040113 / R: 884P14->1066P20 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: 867P14->1050P20 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | SAMHITH YELCHURI |4.5 |W 1|W 6|W 10|W 13|L 5|D 3| OH | 16513490 / R: 944 ->1053 | |W |B |W |B |W |W | | Q: 899 ->1029 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | AARUSH DUTTA |4.5 |W 20|W 12|D 13|D 5|W 6|D 2| PA | 16902381 / R: 960 -> 997 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 971 -> 995 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ADITYA RAJ |4.0 |X |L 13|W 17|W 11|L 1|W 10| | 30221081 / R: 1057 ->1022 | | |B |W |W |B |B | | Q: 1030 -> 998 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | ALICE ZHAO |4.0 |W 14|W 7|D 8|D 3|W 2|L 1| OH | 16357707 / R: 945 -> 988 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 934 -> 975 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | AMAN HASAN |4.0 |W 9|L 2|W 16|W 8|L 3|W 13| CO | 30338086 / R: 935 -> 963 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 752P23-> 897 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | CHRISTOPHER HANYING THOMPSON |4.0 |W 19|L 5|L 1|W 18|W 9|W 8| OH | 30674828 / R: 866P18-> 902P24 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | | Q: 868P14-> 898P20 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | BRADY GEOFFREY BLAKEMAN |3.5 |W 18|W 10|D 5|L 6|W 13|L 7| OH | 30575708 / R: 828P19-> 864P25 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 823P19-> 853P25 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | SOURYA BHATTACHARYA |3.0 |L 6|L 1|W 20|W 19|L 7|W 14| OH | 30381693 / R: 981 -> 925 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 964 -> 907 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | BOHDAN DUPLIAK |3.0 |W 17|L 8|L 2|W 16|W 11|L 4| OH | 30791016 / R: 875P20-> 856 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 865P20-> 843 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | SETH JUN |3.0 |H |H |W 12|L 4|L 10|W 15| OH | 31225935 / R: Unrated-> 788P4 | | | |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 775P4 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | MEENAKSHI SRIPADA |3.0 |W 16|L 3|L 11|H |D 14|W 18| OH | 30409740 / R: 717 -> 720 | |B |W |B | |W |W | | Q: 704 -> 706 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | ANISH RAO |2.5 |W 15|W 4|D 3|L 2|L 8|L 6| OH | 17302082 / R: 885 -> 872 | |B |W |B |W |B |B | | Q: 879 -> 859 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | KYRON GILMER |2.5 |L 5|W 19|W 18|L 1|D 12|L 9| OH | 30797415 / R: 672P18-> 686P24 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | | Q: 664P18-> 677P24 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | ETHAN LIU MA |2.0 |L 13|L 18|L 19|W 17|B |L 11| OH | 30839393 / R: 650P18-> 574P23 | |W |B |W |B | |W | | Q: 648P18-> 570P23 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | JAIDEN REED |2.0 |L 12|W 20|L 6|L 10|W 19|L 17| OH | 31225690 / R: Unrated-> 573P6 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 559P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | LEONID KONKOV |2.0 |L 10|B |L 4|L 15|L 18|W 16| OH | 30929744 / R: 616P21-> 562 | |W | |B |W |B |W | | Q: 630P14-> 568P19 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | BOBBY NAMAY |2.0 |L 8|W 15|L 14|L 7|W 17|L 12| OH | 31040366 / R: 528P4 -> 560P10 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: 512P4 -> 550P10 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | NOAH LANE |2.0 |L 7|L 14|W 15|L 9|L 16|B | OH | 31021790 / R: 570P6 -> 534P11 | |B |W |B |W |B | | | Q: 567P6 -> 526P11 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JACKSON KLINE |0.0 |L 3|L 16|L 9|U |U |U | OH | 30694825 / R: 663P18-> 604P21 | |B |W |B | | | | | Q: 663P18-> 600P21 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.




Chief TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2023-05-06 thru 2023-05-07
Processed   Received: 2023-05-08   Entered: 2023-05-08   Rated: 2023-05-08 Re-Rated: 2023-05-09
Stats   6 Rounds,  32 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: D  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/60;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | TAM TRAN |5.5 |W 7|W 15|W 2|W 5|W 6|D 3| OH | 31246623 / R: Unrated-> 944P6 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 939P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | SMILE ADHIKARI |5.0 |W 32|W 3|L 1|W 18|W 14|W 8| OH | 30795240 / R: 463P8 -> 594P14 | |B |W |B |W |B |B | | Q: 463P8 -> 593P14 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | LUCAS JANKE |4.5 |W 23|L 2|W 7|W 12|W 15|D 1| OH | 31225960 / R: Unrated-> 746P6 | |W |B |W |B |W |W | | Q: Unrated-> 741P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ANTHONY CUCUZZA |4.5 |W 30|W 20|L 6|W 16|D 5|W 11| OH | 30102513 / R: 449 -> 601 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 436 -> 593 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | XANDER SMITH |4.0 |W 9|W 29|W 8|L 1|D 4|D 6| OH | 31237500 / R: Unrated-> 703P6 | |W |B |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 695P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | JACK RIDGEWAY |4.0 |W 10|W 18|W 4|D 11|L 1|D 5| OH | 31225706 / R: Unrated-> 698P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |B | | Q: Unrated-> 691P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | MATTHEW KAMINSKY |4.0 |L 1|W 21|L 3|W 26|W 17|W 14| OH | 17019486 / R: 402 -> 509 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 393 -> 503 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | GRAYSON PERO-LUTER |4.0 |W 31|W 22|L 5|W 10|W 11|L 2| OH | 31021735 / R: 479P17-> 506P23 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | | Q: 476P17-> 503P23 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | DONALD KENNEDY |4.0 |L 5|W 13|W 29|L 15|W 16|W 19| OH | 30793143 / R: 432P24-> 449 | |B |W |W |B |W |B | | Q: 429P24-> 446 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | SIMON CHUWAN |4.0 |L 6|W 31|W 24|L 8|W 27|W 15| OH | 30795331 / R: 410P16-> 440P22 | |W |B |W |W |B |B | | Q: 410P16-> 438P22 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | ATHRV SINGH |3.5 |W 17|W 24|W 12|D 6|L 8|L 4| OH | 30529563 / R: 437 -> 494 | |W |B |W |B |W |W | | Q: 394 -> 481 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | DORRIEN KING |3.5 |W 14|D 28|L 11|L 3|W 25|W 18| OH | 31239500 / R: Unrated-> 482P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 477P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | KAW BLUET |3.5 |L 27|L 9|W 30|D 22|X |W 23| OH | 31239449 / R: Unrated-> 248P5 | |B |B |W |W | |B | | Q: Unrated-> 246P5 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | NICOL�S BERNAL |3.0 |L 12|W 17|W 19|W 23|L 2|L 7| OH | 31237657 / R: Unrated-> 440P6 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 436P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | BRADEN ALLEN BINIKER |3.0 |W 26|L 1|W 27|W 9|L 3|L 10| OH | 30789820 / R: 283P5 -> 376P11 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 274P5 -> 371P11 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | XYROW BERRAS |3.0 |L 24|W 30|W 20|L 4|L 9|W 27| OH | 30795415 / R: 325P15-> 342P21 | |W |B |W |W |B |W | | Q: 325P15-> 341P21 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | DARRIEN KING |3.0 |L 11|L 14|W 32|W 28|L 7|W 30| OH | 31239496 / R: Unrated-> 332P6 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 327P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | DAVID CASE |3.0 |W 21|L 6|W 22|L 2|W 23|L 12| OH | 30665091 / R: 205P8 -> 294P14 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 205P8 -> 292P14 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | ISAIAH WATKINS |3.0 |L 28|W 32|L 14|W 20|W 22|L 9| OH | 30795386 / R: 210P16-> 271P22 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 211P16-> 270P22 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | JACKSON DAY |2.5 |W 25|L 4|L 16|L 19|W 26|D 21| OH | 31225899 / R: 888P6 -> 575P12 | |W |W |B |B |W |B | | Q: Unrated-> 574P12 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | ALAN RAI |2.5 |L 18|L 7|W 25|L 27|W 31|D 20| OH | 31239519 / R: Unrated-> 263P6 | |B |B |W |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 261P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | FREDERICK TURNER |2.5 |B |L 8|L 18|D 13|L 19|W 31| OH | 30879042 / R: 102P7 -> 116P12 | | |W |B |B |W |B | | Q: 102P7 -> 115P12 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | NISHANT RAI |2.0 |L 3|W 27|W 28|L 14|L 18|L 13| OH | 30795421 / R: 448P15-> 357P21 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: 444P15-> 354P21 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | NOAM ROSSITER |2.0 |W 16|L 11|L 10|W 29|U |U | OH | 17347792 / R: Unrated-> 282P6 | |B |W |B |W | | | | Q: Unrated-> 279P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | MARCELLACE HART |2.0 |L 20|D 26|L 21|D 31|L 12|W 29| | 31095824 / R: 356P4 -> 234P10 | |B |W |B |W |W |B | | Q: 354P4 -> 231P10 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | SANGDHAN SUMAN |2.0 |L 15|D 25|D 31|L 7|L 20|W 32| OH | 31239484 / R: Unrated-> 194P6 | |W |B |W |B |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 192P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | BENNY THOMAS |2.0 |W 13|L 23|L 15|W 21|L 10|L 16| OH | 30384898 / R: 155 -> 180 | |W |B |W |B |W |B | | Q: 155 -> 179 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | MARCO MIJANGOS |1.5 |W 19|D 12|L 23|L 17|F |U | OH | 31246639 / R: Unrated-> 278P4 | |W |B |W |B | | | | Q: Unrated-> 273P4 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | CESAR PINONES |1.5 |X |L 5|L 9|L 24|D 30|L 25| OH | 30879003 / R: 162P12-> 122P17 | | |W |B |B |W |W | | Q: 162P12-> 122P17 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | GLORIA FLOSDORF |1.5 |L 4|L 16|L 13|W 32|D 29|L 17| OH | 31237748 / R: Unrated-> 107P6 | |B |W |B |W |B |W | | Q: Unrated-> 107P6 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | MAGNOLIA SPECHT |1.0 |L 8|L 10|D 26|D 25|L 21|L 22| OH | 30321823 / R: 150 -> 150 | |B |W |B |B |W |W | | Q: 150 -> 150 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | HOPE EAVES |1.0 |L 2|L 19|L 17|L 30|B |L 26| OH | 30793134 / R: 134P21-> 124 | |W |B |W |B | |B | | Q: 133P21-> 124 | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences here.