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Copy of Joe Yun Slider-7

Tournament Results

Event Summary
Event   JOE YUN MEMORIAL 2024  (202407219412)
Location AKRON, OH  44333  
Event Date(s) 2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Sponsoring Affiliate PROGRESS WITH CHESS  (A6008140)
Chief  TD WILL L THOMAS  (14223621)
Chief Assist. TD MYRON L THOMAS  (14223636)
Processed Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21
Stats 6 Section(s),  123 Players
The ratings shown on this page are not official published ratings and may change from time to time. Using them for pairing purposes in tournaments should only be done if this has been advertised in all advance publicity and is announced to all players at the tournament.
HINT:     * Click on a Section Name to see the cross table for that Section,  or
  * Click on “Show All Sections” to see the cross tables for all sections at once.
Section 1   ELITE
Section 2   UNDER 2000
Section 3   UNDER 1700
Section 4   UNDER 1400
Section 5   UNDER 1100
Section 6   EXTRA RATED



Section 1 – ELITE
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   5 Rounds,  32 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R (FIDE Rated)  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: 40/90,SD/30;d20
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | SAFAL BORA |4.0 |W 6|W 3|L 8|W 10|W 4| MI | 12936317 / R: 2578 ->2578 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | BRYAN G SMITH |4.0 |W 15|D 13|D 7|W 16|W 8| PA | 12602587 / R: 2491 ->2488 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | ANANT ADURY |4.0 |W 20|L 1|W 19|W 24|W 9| OH | 15274812 / R: 2310 ->2321 | |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | EVAN PARK |3.5 |W 22|W 31|D 9|W 8|L 1| PA | 15748464 / R: 2469 ->2467 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | JESSE REN |3.5 |W 23|D 12|W 13|W 7|U | MI | 16647087 / R: 2307 ->2321 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | ARVIND JAYARAMAN |3.5 |L 1|D 28|W 21|W 29|W 11| OH | 14373601 / R: 2222 ->2227 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | CHARLES LEE TROUTMAN III |3.5 |W 32|W 30|D 2|L 5|W 12| GA | 14268556 / R: 2106 ->2164 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | BRAEDEN SPENSER HART |3.0 |W 28|W 19|W 1|L 4|L 2| OH | 15908270 / R: 2302 ->2311 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | JUSTIN STORN |3.0 |W 16|W 25|D 4|D 11|L 3| OH | 15157654 / R: 2289 ->2289 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | AMOGH TRIPATHI |3.0 |L 12|W 18|W 22|L 1|W 20| OH | 16700200 / R: 2231 ->2234 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | JOHN ABRAHAM |3.0 |D 26|W 14|W 12|D 9|L 6| KY | 16922802 / R: 2125 ->2160 | |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | CALVIN BLOCKER |2.5 |W 10|D 5|L 11|W 25|L 7| OH | 10262160 / R: 2354 ->2337 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | SHARATH RADHAKRISHNAN |2.5 |W 18|D 2|L 5|D 20|D 16| OH | 16837380 / R: 2275 ->2266 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | RALPH TAN |2.5 |L 19|L 11|W 27|W 31|D 17| OH | 15223857 / R: 2258 ->2239 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | SHAMITH SHIVA MURTHY |2.5 |L 2|D 20|D 29|D 19|W 24| OH | 15804524 / R: 2139 ->2127 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | SEAN TAN |2.5 |L 9|W 23|W 31|L 2|D 13| OH | 15301038 / R: 2061 ->2083 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | HENRI VAN ZANDWEGHE |2.5 |H |D 26|L 25|W 22|D 14| OH | 15949902 / R: 2041 ->2050 | | |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | FREYR WANG |2.5 |L 13|L 10|D 23|W 32|W 29| MI | 16741168 / R: 1972 ->1977 | |B |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | ANDRE YANG |2.0 |W 14|L 8|L 3|D 15|D 23| MI | 16957066 / R: 2008 ->2022 | |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | CALVIN MARSHALL |2.0 |L 3|D 15|W 28|D 13|L 10| OH | 10261465 / R: 2000 ->2014 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | ALAN CASDEN |2.0 |L 30|H |L 6|H |W 32| OH | 10089051 / R: 2000 ->2000 | |B | |W | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | AAYANSH SAMANTA |2.0 |L 4|W 32|L 10|L 17|W 27| PA | 30232400 / R: 1985 ->1988 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | BENJAMIN GU LIN |2.0 |L 5|L 16|D 18|B |D 19| PA | 15976160 / R: 1987 ->1976 | |W |B |B | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | MICHAEL OPASKA |2.0 |H |W 29|D 26|L 3|L 15| PA | 12769513 / R: 1936 ->1945 | | |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | CARLOS M GUZMAN |2.0 |B |L 9|W 17|L 12|U | OH | 12522312 / R: 1924 ->1938 | | |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | DALTON PERRINE |1.5 |D 11|D 17|D 24|U |U | OH | 12910086 / R: 2313 ->2298 | |B |W |B | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | JOHNNY PHILLIP HALL III |1.5 |L 31|H |L 14|W 28|L 22| OH | 12712057 / R: 2006 ->1992 | |B | |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | TING CHIEH |1.5 |L 8|D 6|L 20|L 27|B | OH | 17065705 / R: 1984 ->1965 | |W |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 | PAUL AARON ALEXANDER |1.5 |B |L 24|D 15|L 6|L 18| OH | 16157394 / R: 1782 ->1775 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 | JOSHUA POSTHUMA |1.0 |W 21|L 7|U |U |U | MI | 13856778 / R: 2497 ->2484 | |W |B | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | BRETT PASSEN |1.0 |W 27|L 4|L 16|L 14|U | OH | 12746896 / R: 2173 ->2155 | |W |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 | KEYA JHA |1.0 |L 7|L 22|B |L 18|L 21| OH | 30189449 / R: 1846 ->1815 | |W |W | |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.




Section 2 – UNDER 2000
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   5 Rounds,  27 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R (FIDE Rated)  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: 40/90,SD/30;d20
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | DAVID M FRIEDMAN |4.0 |H |W 9|W 10|D 4|W 5| OH | 12488564 / R: 1981 ->2004 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | ZHOUWEI NI |4.0 |W 19|D 5|W 17|W 16|D 4| OH | 30381622 / R: 1815 ->1895 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | PETER MIKINA |4.0 |D 12|W 27|W 25|H |W 10| OH | 10267544 / R: 1800 ->1860 | |W |B |W | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | LOUIS ZHANG |3.5 |W 22|W 16|D 7|D 1|D 2| OH | 16785655 / R: 1976 ->1988 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | GABRIEL XIONG |3.5 |W 15|D 2|W 8|W 7|L 1| OH | 30272842 / R: 1926 ->1945 | |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | NEELANSH SAMANTA |3.5 |L 7|W 26|D 11|W 22|W 14| PA | 16643387 / R: 1789 ->1833 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | ARVIND SAI PRASAD |3.0 |W 6|W 25|D 4|L 5|D 11| OH | 14933423 / R: 1959 ->1958 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | JIM NICKS |3.0 |H |W 14|L 5|D 12|W 19| OH | 10364701 / R: 1827 ->1842 | | |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | AARYN RUDRAPATI |3.0 |W 24|L 1|W 23|L 10|W 16| OH | 31498588 / R: 1775 ->1790 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | STEPHEN JOHNSON |3.0 |W 21|W 13|L 1|W 9|L 3| OH | 12705289 / R: 1743 ->1778 | |W |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | CHARITHRA ARVIND |3.0 |D 27|D 23|D 6|W 25|D 7| OH | 15717256 / R: 1716 ->1762 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | GRACE OFIA NUOYI WANG |3.0 |D 3|L 17|W 26|D 8|W 21| MI | 30541277 / R: 1657 ->1728 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | JOSEPH F PLESO |3.0 |W 18|L 10|W 27|L 14|W 17| | 14387135 / R: 1503 ->1636 | |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | JOSEMARI PESIDAS ABUTAL |2.5 |H |L 8|W 18|W 13|L 6| OH | 12829877 / R: 1938 ->1915 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | AARYA SIVAKUMAR |2.5 |L 5|W 24|L 16|D 23|W 22| OH | 17079946 / R: 1709 ->1719 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | SIDDARTH SRIADITYA KUNAPULI |2.0 |W 20|L 4|W 15|L 2|L 9| OH | 16368693 / R: 1935 ->1902 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | PETER CARL ANDREAS |2.0 |D 23|W 12|L 2|D 19|L 13| OH | 10391989 / R: 1825 ->1800 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | PATRICIA TAN |2.0 |L 13|D 21|L 14|D 20|X | OH | 15670757 / R: 1764 ->1730 | |B |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | SIDHARTH SURESHKUMAR |2.0 |L 2|B |D 22|D 17|L 8| OH | 30184317 / R: 1745 ->1726 | |W | |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | HET PATEL |2.0 |L 16|L 22|D 24|D 18|W 23| OH | 17107721 / R: 1617 ->1622 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | STEPHEN A BOAK |1.5 |L 10|D 18|H |H |L 12| PA | 10146828 / R: 1856 ->1812 | |B |W | | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | RYAN JOSEPH MOODY |1.5 |L 4|W 20|D 19|L 6|L 15| OH | 31205510 / R: 1783 ->1752 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | DENNY HELMUTH |1.5 |D 17|D 11|L 9|D 15|L 20| OH | 10026083 / R: 1700 ->1700 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | MEHMET YILANLI |1.5 |L 9|L 15|D 20|H |H | OH | 30489673 / R: 1555 ->1540 | |B |B |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | KUJTIM META |1.0 |W 26|L 7|L 3|L 11|F | OH | 12936449 / R: 1900 ->1900 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 | JOSHUA D DESKOVIC |1.0 |L 25|L 6|L 12|B |U | NY | 16386903 / R: 1762 ->1719 | |W |B |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 | DAVID E DEMETRUK |0.5 |D 11|L 3|L 13|U |U | OH | 10266955 / R: 1800 ->1800 | |B |W |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.




Section 3 – UNDER 1700
Asst. TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   5 Rounds,  19 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: 40/90,SD/30;d20
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MATTHEW BAKER |4.0 |D 16|W 19|W 6|W 5|D 3| OH | 31326150 / R: 1469P22->1590 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | STANLEY REN |3.5 |D 9|W 11|D 10|W 13|D 4| MI | 16922191 / R: 1630 ->1629 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MAXWELL CHUNG |3.5 |W 17|D 5|D 4|W 10|D 1| OH | 30555237 / R: 1534 ->1564 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ARNAV KODKANI |3.5 |D 7|W 14|D 3|W 11|D 2| OH | 16604473 / R: 1463 ->1540 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | ZIAR NAJEEB |3.5 |W 12|D 3|W 16|L 1|W 9| OH | 30269704 / R: 1447 ->1532 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | DANIEL XIONG |3.0 |D 14|W 7|L 1|D 9|W 10| OH | 30272869 / R: 1510 ->1519 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | MIAH GUO |3.0 |D 4|L 6|W 14|D 12|W 13| MI | 30034737 / R: 1421 ->1461 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | MOUSTAFA ELBATAWY |2.5 |W 15|L 10|L 13|W 17|D 12| OH | 31345157 / R: 1541 ->1514 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | JAMES PHILLIP EUGENE BARBER |2.5 |D 2|D 16|W 17|D 6|L 5| OH | 31291361 / R: 1433P20->1457P25 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | ANIKET SHETTY |2.5 |W 18|W 8|D 2|L 3|L 6| OH | 16583020 / R: 1403 ->1431 | |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | RICHARD WILLIAM PATTERSON |2.0 |W 13|L 2|W 15|L 4|U | OH | 12301850 / R: 1524 ->1520 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | RAMESH CHHETRI |2.0 |L 5|L 17|W 18|D 7|D 8| OH | 16922520 / R: 1480 ->1455 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | DON BULILAN SALANDANAN |2.0 |L 11|B |W 8|L 2|L 7| OH | 31190548 / R: 1454 ->1431 | |W | |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | MR. PETER L. GALUPO |2.0 |D 6|L 4|L 7|D 15|B | OH | 14553280 / R: 1466 ->1430 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | KATHY LIN |1.5 |L 8|W 18|L 11|D 14|U | OH | 12772721 / R: 1436 ->1419 | |B |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | PATRICK QUINN |1.0 |D 1|D 9|L 5|U |U | KY | 30127427 / R: 1556 ->1531 | |W |B |B | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | CHASE ALEXANDER WALKUP |1.0 |L 3|W 12|L 9|L 8|U | OH | 16869433 / R: 1460 ->1428 | |W |B |W |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | ERIC GITTRICH |1.0 |L 10|L 15|L 12|B |U | OH | 12656948 / R: 1400 ->1400 | |B |W |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | MARTIN F HILLYER |0.5 |H |L 1|U |U |U | OH | 12079430 / R: 1591 ->1570 | | |B | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.




Section 4 – UNDER 1400
Asst. TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   5 Rounds,  22 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: 40/90,SD/30;d20
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MICHAEL J ALEXANDER |4.5 |B |W 19|W 3|D 2|W 5| OH | 31953636 / R: Unrated->1575P4 | | |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | JAD HINCH |4.0 |W 13|W 16|D 12|D 1|W 7| OH | 30797660 / R: 1129P14->1302P19 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | TYLER STEVENS |4.0 |W 21|W 20|L 1|W 11|W 9| OH | 17068622 / R: 1144 ->1297 | |B |W |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ALLEN LIAO |3.5 |D 14|D 7|W 17|D 9|W 12| OH | 17005245 / R: 1247 ->1262 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | BOB SCACCIA |3.0 |W 20|W 6|H |H |L 1| OH | 12602658 / R: 1305 ->1323 | |B |W | | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | TYLON RAMON COUSIN SR. |3.0 |W 22|L 5|L 11|W 20|W 16| PA | 31963802 / R: Unrated->1276P10 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | SHASHANK PALLA |3.0 |D 11|D 4|W 19|W 18|L 2| OH | 31160074 / R: 1270 ->1273 | |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | SHRIRAMAN PRABHAKARAN |3.0 |L 16|D 13|W 15|W 14|D 10| OH | 31336553 / R: 1279 ->1240 | |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | ELI MICHAEL MOSER |3.0 |B |D 12|W 18|D 4|L 3| PA | 31202590 / R: Unrated->1186P9 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | JAMES BELFER |3.0 |D 18|D 11|W 16|D 12|D 8| OH | 16983758 / R: 1168 ->1178 | |B |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | ANDREW SPENCER |2.5 |D 7|D 10|W 6|L 3|D 15| OH | 30261311 / R: 1218 ->1215 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | JACOB MATTHEW JENNINGS |2.5 |W 15|D 9|D 2|D 10|L 4| OH | 30276832 / R: 1196 ->1192 | |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | AADYA KAKARLA |2.5 |L 2|D 8|L 14|B |W 18| OH | 30933942 / R: 1186 ->1171 | |B |W |W | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | LEO EICHHORN |2.5 |D 4|L 18|W 13|L 8|W 19| OH | 30031312 / R: 1151 ->1162 | |W |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | AHMED AKBENLIOGLU |2.5 |L 12|B |L 8|W 19|D 11| OH | 16838362 / R: 881 -> 952 | |B | |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | YICHENG LIN |2.0 |W 8|L 2|L 10|W 17|L 6| OH | 30331235 / R: 1135 ->1128 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | CYRUS JULIAN BABAI |2.0 |L 19|B |L 4|L 16|X | OH | 16841338 / R: 946 -> 907 | |B | |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | LUCAS ZHANG |1.5 |D 10|W 14|L 9|L 7|L 13| OH | 30184904 / R: 1213 ->1163 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | JONAH JEFFERS |1.0 |W 17|L 1|L 7|L 15|L 14| OH | 30381557 / R: 1190 ->1116 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | HENRY JAMES WOLFE |1.0 |L 5|L 3|B |L 6|F | OH | 30490915 / R: 1090 ->1054 | |W |B | |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | SHRIRAMAN PRABHAKARAN |0.0 |L 3|U |U |U |U | OH | 31336553 / R: 1279 ->1240 | |W | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | JAMES BELFER |0.0 |L 6|U |U |U |U | OH | 16983758 / R: 1168 ->1178 | |B | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.




Section 5 – UNDER 1100
Asst. TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   5 Rounds,  25 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: 40/90,SD/30;d20
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round|Round|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MICHAEL Y LERNER |4.5 |W 24|W 11|W 2|D 5|W 7| OH | 17060102 / R: 928 ->1072 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | NODIRBEK AMINOV |4.0 |W 13|W 15|L 1|W 6|W 5| OH | 31794222 / R: 1245P16->1240P21 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 | COLIN CHEUNG |4.0 |W 10|W 12|L 5|W 16|W 9| OH | 17355367 / R: 968 -> 999 | |W |B |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | ABIGAIL RAPAKA |4.0 |D 14|W 20|H |W 13|W 8| OH | 17086771 / R: 829 -> 938 | |W |B | |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | JACOB BURKHART CAMP |3.5 |W 23|W 17|W 3|D 1|L 2| OH | 14608275 / R: 1078 ->1085 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | ALAN L ZUCKSWORTH |3.0 |H |W 14|W 9|L 2|D 13| OH | 12752885 / R: 899 -> 943 | | |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | HASINA NAJEEB |3.0 |W 16|L 9|W 18|W 11|L 1| OH | 31850485 / R: 984P5 -> 930P10 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | ETHAN LIU |3.0 |L 9|W 22|W 20|W 17|L 4| OH | 31470704 / R: 936P15-> 905P20 | |B |W |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | ROOPALI PALLA |3.0 |W 8|W 7|L 6|W 14|L 3| OH | 31165944 / R: 737 -> 873 | |W |B |B |W |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | WILLIAM ALLAN BROWN |3.0 |L 3|L 13|W 23|W 24|W 17| OH | 31503442 / R: 698P17-> 707P22 | |B |B |W |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | JULIO WILLIAMS |3.0 |W 21|L 1|W 15|L 7|W 16| OH | 31628819 / R: 269P3 -> 641P8 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | MARYAM NAJEEB |3.0 |B |L 3|L 13|W 21|W 15| OH | 31850751 / R: 389P4 -> 580P8 | | |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | VASIST VUPPALA |2.5 |L 2|W 10|W 12|L 4|D 6| OH | 31457761 / R: 867P19-> 877P24 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 | DANIEL AUSTIN |2.5 |D 4|L 6|W 22|L 9|W 19| OH | 16454492 / R: Unrated-> 841P6 | |B |W |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 | KARTHIK GOPIREDDY |2.0 |W 19|L 2|L 11|W 20|L 12| OH | 16490123 / R: 894 -> 822 | |W |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | SUHANI KAPOOR |2.0 |L 7|W 19|W 24|L 3|L 11| OH | 17325180 / R: 807 -> 751 | |W |B |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | KENNETH EUGENE BARBER |2.0 |W 18|L 5|W 21|L 8|L 10| OH | 31400612 / R: 619P10-> 623P15 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 | BROGAN WILLIAM ROACH |2.0 |L 17|W 23|L 7|L 19|W 24| NC | 31797452 / R: 628P9 -> 573P14 | |W |B |W |B |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | RYAN GLICK |2.0 |L 15|L 16|W 25|W 18|L 14| OH | 31731673 / R: 482P4 -> 498P9 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 | ARJUN MUNAGALA |1.5 |W 25|L 4|L 8|L 15|D 21| OH | 31524584 / R: 621 -> 580 | |B |W |W |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 | OWEN ORLOWSKI |1.5 |L 11|W 25|L 17|L 12|D 20| OH | 31640535 / R: 657P4 -> 497P9 | |B |W |B |W |B | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | RACHEL HERRING-FRIEDMAN |1.5 |H |L 8|L 14|L 23|B | OH | 15747497 / R: 387 -> 339 | | |B |W |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 | BRYSON ROACH |1.0 |L 5|L 18|L 10|W 22|U | NC | 31914431 / R: 325P4 -> 359P8 | |B |W |B |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 | NATHAN MOSS |1.0 |L 1|B |L 16|L 10|L 18| OH | 31090062 / R: 224P12-> 208P16 | |W | |B |B |W | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | ARDAN ROACH |1.0 |L 20|L 21|L 19|B |U | NC | 31952680 / R: Unrated-> 101P3 | |W |B |W | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.




Section 6 – EXTRA RATED
Asst. TD   ROY-ALLEN BUMPERS  (15751342)
Section Date(s)   2024-07-19 thru 2024-07-21
Processed   Received: 2024-07-21   Entered: 2024-07-21   Rated: 2024-07-21 Re-Rated: 2024-07-24
Stats   2 Rounds,  4 Players;  K Factor: F  Rating Sys: R  Tnmt Type: S
Time Control: G/75;d5
Show floating point ratings from this event
 * Click on a Pairing Number to see the Player's Opponents.
 * Click on a Player's Name for more information about the Player.
Crosstable data is shown in score group/rating order, which is not the same as the tiebreak order used at the event.
Crosstables are not intended to show the distribution of trophies or prize monies.  (See Frequent Questions)
Crosstable data is shown as reported to the USCF by the Tournament Director.  
Please contact the TD to report any crosstable errors.
Note: The information below the "Total Pts" score shows the highest norm earned in this event.
For more information on norms, see The USCF Title System. ----------------------------------------------------------- Pair | Player Name |Total|Round|Round| Num | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post) | Pts | 1 | 2 | ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 | NATHAN MOSS |1.0 |W 4|U | OH | 31090062 / R: 208P16-> 285P17 | |B | | ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 | TING CHIEH |0.5 |U |D 3| OH | 17065705 / R: 1965 ->1952 | | |W | ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 | MR. PETER L. GALUPO |0.5 |U |D 2| OH | 14553280 / R: 1430 ->1452 | | |B | ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 | MARYAM NAJEEB |0.0 |L 1|U | OH | 31850751 / R: 580P8 -> 504P9 | |W | | ----------------------------------------------------------- Note: Performances satisfying the requirements for norms are now being shown for events in the *Total Pts* column.
It may take a week for a recently rated event to have norms computed for it. Show floating point ratings from this event To receive an email when an event you played in is rated, update your email preferences in your dashboard after you log in at
See Clarification on Provisional Game Counts for an explanation of how game counts are determined for provisionally rated players.