Police officers teach life lessons to CMSD students through chess

Police officers teach life lessons to CMSD students through chess by Stacia Melinda Pugh, Progress With Chess | April 19th, 2022

2017-03-08 12.17.09

CLEVELAND, OH— The 19th Annual Carl Bowers CMSD Chess Tournament takes place at the downtown Cleveland Public Library tomorrow, April 20th.  Over 200 kids from nine Cleveland schools will be at this tournament armed with 20 weeks of chess instruction by Progress With Chess.

This event is a culmination of all their instruction and Officer Carl Bowers will be armed too, but not with a gun (well, maybe he will be actually?  …he is a cop after all), but rather with his own chess experience, life lessons and some fellow police officers ready to engage these kids over the chess board.

This tournament is site to behold with kids playing in the tournament, engaging with local chess legend, IM Calvin Blocker, challenging police officers to chess, winning trophies and much more.  But why tell you about it when you can see for yourself.  

Once the trophies are given out, and everyone has enjoyed lunch, Officer Carl Bowers shares a very personal and inspiring story with the students in the auditorium.