Scholastic Featured Game: Song – Xi (Online Scholastic Sparkler, 2020)
Progress With Chess Featured Game Song - Xi (Online Scholastic Sparkler, 2020)
PWC presents our our featured game from The Online Scholastic Sparkler. Our Sparkler Champion, Hansen Song (1905 USCF), defended a tough position where white sacrificed a knight for a strong attack on the black King. Song defended tenaciously and waited patiently for a chance to srike back, and in this position, found the winning move. Can you play like Hansen? Black to move and win!
Here’s the game with some commentary by NM Micheal Joelson.
Hansen Song
Hansen Song took 1st place in the Online Scholastic Sparkler in July 2020.
PWC runs a monthly scholastic and a monthly open tournament. Next scholastic tournament is the Online Scholastic Scorcher on August 8th. Happy checkmating!
-Stacia Melinda Pugh, Progress With Chess